Happy September! It’s incredible to think that the majority of the year has already passed, and what an eventful year this was so far!
At the end of every summer I am always half sad, because summer weather is my favourite, but half happy, because after the summer slump, finally things get going in September. I really feel September is the other January! It’s like a fresh start, whether you go to school or not. BTW, I am actually going back to school this fall, so it’s double the excitement this time.
I kept going with these one second videos, but it was really hard this month. I find that the busier I am and the more things going on, the harder it is to remember documenting any of it. I’ll try to keep going until the end of the year, but I am really not sure sometimes… Popping out my phone at any random situation is just something that doesn’t come naturally to me. Guess I’ll never be an influencer… *sighs*
At the very beginning of August we had a four day getaway to the High Tatras for our “annual hiking trip”. I had to skip it for the last two years, and now it was so good to be back on the slopes again! Amazingly enough I was suffering from a sunstroke when we got back, it probably occured on our second active hiking day, although I didn’t even notice it that time. True, it was unusually hot up there and this was the first time I didn’t need any of the rain kit the whole time, but still, when in the High Tatras, you prepare for breaking your neck, your leg, getting eaten by a bear, but certainly not sunstroke. I was severely dehydrated and couldn’t eat much for a few days after (while of course back in the office working the whole time, because that’s what you do).

I also had one more week of summer leave in August that again I spent outside the city, mostly reading books and doing outdoorsy things, or just doing anything outdoors. I was planning to get more work done that week, but it was mostly put off in favour of more pleasant occupations. I needed those weeks away so much this summer!

I’ve read three books while I was “vacationing”. The first one was a book-club pick and a surprise for me, because I enjoyed it more that I thought I would. This kind of fantasy is not my favourite genre, but despite the made-up reality, it was too realistic in terms of our current society. The second was Kati Marton’s The Chancellor, that I wrote about here. And the third one was Amor Towles’ A gentleman in Moscow, that I really enjoyed. I am still reading this one, it is really long and the most parts I read with a knot in my stomach and my throat clenched. Yet I am trooping through it. I am also halfway through Susan Orlean’s The Library Book that I really love!
At the end of August we went to see the Where the Crawdads Sing movie. I loved it so much! Still I say you should read the book first, I think the ending hits harder in the book (I also have a theory why, but we don’t do spoilers here), but I loved the whole vibe of the movie and the scenery is breathtaking on the big picture. I also started watching The Gilded Age on the weekends, and I quite enjoy it. I also went to see a play in an open-air theater this month. I would have loved to do more of this stuff during the summer, but unfortunately with so much time spent away from the city, we had lots of scheduling difficulties.
I started listening to Meghan Markle’s new podcast because of the second episode’s guest of course. I like the theme, I like the conversation parts, but the show kind of feels overly produced for me. I prefer podcasts that are barely cut, candid conversations and no heavy editing and scripted parts. Plus, without any negativity, really, on those scripted parts she often seems/sounds to be acting instead of being honest and spontaneous. Speaking of MC and candid conversations, this is the kind of podcast interviews we (the lambily) love (and this, the second part). Still, I liked Meghan’s too. (Fun fact: I wrote this part before the latest episode of my favourite Mariah podcast came out, and later found out that they are saying the exact same things, almost using the exact same words, down to the recommendation of the old interview. Lambs think alike! Also, is it true that many people only listen to the Archetypes podcast – and thus help making it popular – just to bash Meghan? I mean, good for her, and sooo bad for them! I barely even have time for the things I like, why would anyone spend so much time with something they dislike? Get a life, people! Now I feel inclined to add that I did like the first episode with Serena Williams too!)
I still have so much ideas for getting back to blogging and I still have so little time. With getting back to school I guess it will be even less so, yet I am so excited about the year ahead, I will try to share more of it here. Have a great September!