Tag: books
I planned to do this monthly, but again I was busy with everything else, so this is a recap of the first two months’ reading. Before we get to reading, book lovers, have you been following The Queen’s Reading Room on Instagram? Yes, we’re talking about that Queen, I don’t know why everybody’s so surprised that she has a book club. Anyway, I’ve been following it for years, and a few weeks ago they even started a podcast. They talk to authors about their favorite books and love of reading. I enjoyed every episode so far, even when I didn’t…
Eventually, I have read 45 books in 2023, here’s the third part of the list. You can find the first part of this review here and the second part here. I am a bit late with the third part of my 2023 book review, because I got a bit busy during the last days of last year, but most of it was already done, I just had to finish the post. I hope you can find something among the titles that you find interesting, generally, I liked everything I’ve read in 2023. Another non-fiction in the second half of the…
I’m still on track to read 45 books in 2023, and in these posts I am sharing what they were and how I liked them. I posted about the first 15 books I’ve read this year in this post. At the time of publishing this one after Christmas, I am one and two half books (yes, two halves) closer to achieving my goal. But again, my initial goal was 35, so I’m already over achieved. Since I was studying at a post-graduate course in the first half of the year, I read significantly less during that time, that means I’ve…
If all goes well I will finish 2023 with 45 books read and here’s a list and a short review of them all. Everybody is posting their end of the year reviews around this time, this year it seems there is no overlap between my list and President Obama’s, but I’ve also read some great books. This one goes up before Christmas, when hopefully I will add many more pages, although unfortunately in Hungary we don’t celebrate Christmas like the Icelanders, where they spend Christmas reading. After listening to this podcast episode recently, I was ready to make arrangements to…
There’s a lot going on in the world these days. I haven’t really got back to regular blogging and sharing stuff, but I feel these past few weeks (months?) deserve a summary. Well first of all, this year clearly deserves to be labeled as one of my worsts. It haven’t started out as one, just the opposite, I made a career decision last year that I felt really good about and I was working towards it. Then this year I got talked into changing course, and it felt like just a slight detour at the time, because I made a…
I have read Tim Marshall’s first book about geopolitics, Prisoners of Geography a few years ago, this one picks up where that left off with new maps to explore and topics just as intriguing. Geopolitics and the international order might be one of my top five favorite topics to read and talk about, so it’s no surprise I love Tim Marshall’s writings. His Prisoners of Geography was a world-wide best seller, it contained ten chapters, that is ten maps of somewhere in the world starting with a brief history, then detailing all the geopolitical context down to recent day politics….
Happy September! It’s incredible to think that the majority of the year has already passed, and what an eventful year this was so far! At the end of every summer I am always half sad, because summer weather is my favourite, but half happy, because after the summer slump, finally things get going in September. I really feel September is the other January! It’s like a fresh start, whether you go to school or not. BTW, I am actually going back to school this fall, so it’s double the excitement this time. I kept going with these one second videos,…
This wasn’t supposed to be one of my vacation reads, but being at my parents’ house, they had it out of the library, so I read it during the few days I’ve spent home in August. First of all, I am a huge fan of Kati Marton’s writing. I am also a huge fan of political biographies, so this book was definitely on my list for later reading. My only complaint is that if I’ve waited, I would have probably wanted to read it in its original language, and not in Hungarian (its Hungarian title is simply ‘Merkel’), but I…
What an eventful month June was. And just like that, we’re halfway through the year and I am still struggling to find time to rest and work on my goals at the same time. I’ve spent two weekends in my hometown (closer to nature) in June. The first one was the very first weekend of June, a long weekend due to Pentecost Monday, which is a public holiday in Hungary. I also had Friday off, so I’ve had a a four day weekend. It coincided with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend, although I couldn’t have Thursday off as well, so…
It’s been some time since May passed and since I’ve written anything here, but things have been crazy this past month. At the speed I am going, by the time I finish this post, June will be over already. Once again, I have a bunch of other unfinished posts waiting to be published, but I don’t want to leave May unreported. It’s amazing we are almost halfway through the year, isn’t it? May has been the busiest month in my year so far, mostly in terms of my job. I’ve spent most of it so sleep-deprived it was hard to…