Tag: Angela Merkel
This wasn’t supposed to be one of my vacation reads, but being at my parents’ house, they had it out of the library, so I read it during the few days I’ve spent home in August. First of all, I am a huge fan of Kati Marton’s writing. I am also a huge fan of political biographies, so this book was definitely on my list for later reading. My only complaint is that if I’ve waited, I would have probably wanted to read it in its original language, and not in Hungarian (its Hungarian title is simply ‘Merkel’), but I…
Happy Sunday! This week seems to be all about referendums of a highly sensitive nature. One can only guess whatever today’s Spanish vote could mean for the broader world order. The referendum in Catalonia, explained Here is what you need to know about Catalan referendums past and present. Let’s hope all parties will keep cool for the next several days. What’s Next for the Bundestag, Merkel and Germany’s Security Policies? Chancellor Merkel won the election last Sunday but found herself in a difficult political situation. The Trump Administration Will Dramatically Lower Refugee Admittance Based on a Totally False Premise And…
Happy Sunday! How about that Emmanuelle Macron moment at the family photo? Apparently they thought they could make him stand in the back row and they were wrong. I bet all the others were thinking “huh, who knew you could do that?”. The G20 had more memorable moments of course, as this BBC collection shows, poor Chancellor Merkel must have had a hard time handling all these difficult men (wouldn’t it be much simpler if women ruled the world?). LOL at her eye-rolling at Putin. I hope your summer is going well so far, here’s some reading for today. Can this Woman…
Happy Sunday, all! The end of the year is quickly approaching, I honestly have no idea where did all those days and weeks go… I had a crazy week again, I fell behind with all the reading (note: this is a very last minute post!) and studies, and what is worse, I am literally nowhere with the Christmas preparations. I’ll have lots of catching up to do this coming week in more than one areas. BUT, we have a Climate Agreement, people!! This is surely the news of the week, see details below. Now, let’s all hope it can really…
Ukraine crisis: what is in the Minsk ceasefire agreement? The leaders of Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France agreed on a deal in Minsk aimed at ending the fighting in eastern Ukraine. Click for details of the agreement, translated from a Russian-language document that was handed to reporters.
Happy Weekend Everybody! How about a little Sunday reading? Croatia v. Serbia: Genocide and the Dolus Specialis Question A long awaited judgement of the International Court of Justice in consistence with its (and those of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia) previous decisions. The Aristrikes against Islamic State in Iraq and the Alleged Prohibition on Military Assistance to Governments in Civil Wars This great and detailed post is solely about the airstrikes in Iraq, but this same question of military assistance to governments in civil wars might soon be current regarding Ukraine as well. Is Jordan Attacking ISIS…
Angela Merkel visits Hungary in bid to break EU nation’s warm ties with Russia – Telegraph German chancellor in Budapest to press Viktor Orbán into united front against Russia ahead of visit from Vladimir Putin. International headlines go as such. International media happens to know for a fact that the German chancellor traveled to Budapest to press the importance of democratic values and her disagreement with the Orbán Government’s current policies. Interestingly enough, Hungarian state media knows nothing of that sort. According to its news programme, the visit was a huge diplomatic success, and all about economic and political cooperation. Now…
Happy first day of December and first day of Advent everybody! It doesn’t really feel very Christmassy or even pre-Christmassy for me yet, as it is a bright sunshiny day in Hungary. Some snow would help me get in the mood. A white, snowy Advent and Christmas would surely be nice, but right after the holidays, can it be hot summer again, please? Besides all the other excitements that December holds, I am starting at a new job tomorrow that I am really looking forward to. I wish every one of my readers such an eventful and joyous December that…
Hope you all had a great week and an even better weekend! Here’s a few news stories to look back to: On world affairs: EU reaction to the NSA Affair Well, hacking world leaders’ cell phones is a serious issue. I would even double Lawfare’s Ingrid Wuerth calling it a diplomatic disaster. It is still unclear though how deep this will impact EU-US relations. UPR and Israel Israel has refused to atted its review session of the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review, being the first state ever to do so. The rescheduled review is about to take place…
A very busy and exciting week is about to approach. The next session of the UN General Assembly kicks off next Tuesday and then there’s a bunch of other major world events scheduled around it. First one of course is the Social Good Summit starting today and the Clinton Global Innitiative’s 2013 Annual Meeting will also take place in New York City these coming days. So, there are plenty of world affairs to blog about. I will try to follow the UNGA to be able to give you a detailed analysis like the ones I did last year. While waiting,…