Tag: USA

Blabbing the divisiveness of this election

Although this was a year of numerous big elections around the world, I missed all the opportunities to share my regular election-themed posts about the importance of voting. This one isn’t about that either (although it is important, go vote if you haven’t yet!), but something that happened to me last weekend on Instagram. First of all, I barely ever comment on social media, not even on friends’ posts, I intentionally avoid those posts that invite a flood of comments. If I do comment sometimes, I mostly reply to matter-of-factly questions instead of sharing opinions. This time I also thought…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday and happy weekend!  After a first week of getting back to work and the outside world in Hungary I can say that some people wrongly assume that life is fully back to normal again, and we can act like nothing irregular happened in the meantime. It is hard to proceed with caution and practice social distancing when other people just don’t seem to care at all. It’s obviously not true for everybody, but too many people in my opinion. What are your experiences with easing up restrictions? Let me know in the comments. Here’s today’s offering. Pandemic Intrigue…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! I hope you are well and safe this weekend! Here’s some reading for you. Am I the only one to think that most of this list should be applied all the time, regardless of world health emergencies? 🤔 The source is of course the World Health Organization, be sure to check out their website clicking here for many more useful information (and some myth-busting) about the coronavirus. Brexit Endgame: Britain’s EU Departure Marks the End of Brexit’s Beginning The day has come and Monday will probably look very similar to the days past (expect for British MEPs maybe),…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! We are past the gloomiest day of the year (last Monday, according to general understanding, but no science at all), so we can expect things to be brighter from here on. I mean once Christmas passes, I am so over winter weather anyway, I can’t wait for it to be summer already… How about you? Here’s some weekend reading that unfortunately will not cheer you up, but I hope you’ll enjoy them nontheless. How Multilateral Cooperation Can Stop the Coronavirus Outbreak From Spreading This is yet another example when internationalism and international organizations are indeed helping humankind. One…

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Sunday Smack

Happy weekend everybody! I am trying to slowly get back into the habit of zeroing my Feedly by the weekend, so I started collecting some worhty blog posts to recommend during the week for you. Although I’ve taken quite long breaks between posts lately, this is actually the 250th Sunday Smack, believe it or not! I’d really like to revive it somehow, but I’m not making promises, just see how it goes. Here is a small collection of good reads in the topic of world affairs/international law for this weekend! What do you think? Let me know which one did…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, everybody! I hope you are enjoying the last bits of summery weather as much as I do. In fact I will be off for a late vacation for a few days next week. Here’s what  I’ve read before leaving. WHERE DO THE ROHINGYA GO? I never change the spelling of titles, and in this case perhaps all-caps is a well-deserved emphasis. The ICC investigation is good news, but given how long it usually takes, we need more. President Trump Will Preside Over a UN Security Council Meeting About Iran. Iran’s President May Be There, Too This might be…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, everyone! It’s been a while. A long while. Being away from this platform had nothing to do with my professional life, as I am still very much interested in world affairs, I am still reading a lot on the topic, and I really do want to blog about it again. This week’s collection is some kind of a test as I am planning to bring this blog back to life. Today’s weather in Hungary brought a strong autumn-y feeling, and fall is a good (well, as good as ever) occasion to start new things, so I will try…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Christmas! I was thinking about skipping this week’s Sunday Smack altogether, because I though no-one would read it on Christmas Eve. But then I saw the flood of issues and posts from the course of this week, which made me decide I can’t take the week off. So, here’s a couple of not at all christmassy reads for you today. UN Vote on Jerusalem Tests the Power of Trump’s Threats and Ultimatums Hopefully he will think twice before such a dumb move. The Well Respected UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is Leaving Because His Job Has Become Impossible…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, Everybody! I have had the best time in London earlier this week. Although sunny London is still my favorite London, snowy London was a spectacular sight to see! And I’ll be back in just four months! Until then, there is a holiday season to get through. Every year I pledge not to become so overwhelmed and overloaded by this time, and every year I fail. It is a busy time at work and with everything else to get done, by the time it’s actually Christmas I just wish to get it over with and be able to sleep….

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! By the time you are reading this, I will be in London ahead of the Mariah Carey Christmas concert Monday night (at the time of writing I even have a spare ticket to sell, message me if you are interested). As much as I love London, I’ve never visited during Christmas time, so I am pretty excited. There will be photos on my Instagram, check it out if you love London or Christmas or Mariah or all of them. Now, let’s see what happened in the world this week. With Jerusalem Move, Trump Sabotages His Own Mideast Peace…

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