Tag: USA

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, Everybody! Since these stories I collect here are mostly about difficulties and hardships, I decided to try to lead with three things I liked over the week. First on my favorite things of this week list is learning the method of right brain drawing. That was mostly last week, but we finished off on Monday. Ever since then I am trying to experiment with right brain writing and right brain learning, you may read about these later. Another favorite moment of this week was Jimmy Kimmel’s heartfelt monologue about his son’s condition, and of course the positive ending…

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Sunday Smack

Happy long weekend to everybody who have May 1 as Labour Day off, and happy regular weekend to everyone else! I am spending all three days of this weekend activating my right brain. Follow my Instagram for more on this! Meanwhile, things got wild in world affairs this week, so let’s read about it! (The photo is of course from the UN Security Council’s White House lunch with the President, courtesy of Getty Images.) The United States and China Just Presented Two Very Different Plans With the Same Goal: Getting rid of North Korea’s Nukes. Which Will Work? The hot…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Easter, Everybody! I hope you are having a peaceful and relaxing holiday weekend, whether you celebrate Easter or not. As you might have heard, President János Áder signed the legislation making Central European University’s operations in Hungary impossible into law this week. Demonstrations in Hungary keep going on, now the aim is to get MPs to refer the law to revision to the Constitutional Court (and the whole regime to leave, while we’re at it). The demonstrators are mostly university students, protesting peacefully against this irrational, outrageous and outright stupid act of the government. Meanwhile, on Easter Monday, there will…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! Destpite the very eventful week in world affairs, I would start again with something I (and many others) believe is an international issue, being an attack against democracy. You might have heard the law undercutting Central European University in Hungary has been adopted in spite of wide international protests. The protests continue, now the aim is to get President Áder not to sign the legislation. You can sign the petition clicking here. I am not sure whether any of this helps, but please do sign if you haven’t already and share with others! Now, let’s get to all…

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Sunday Smack

Happy April, Everybody! There is wonderful spring weather in Hungary these days, I hope you are also somewhere enjoying spring. There was also wonderful spring weather in London during the short time I have spent there this week, the highlight of which I already shared in a previous post. It was my first time there since the Brexit referendum (las time I visited just a week before that), so I was curious whether anything has changed. I have to say I haven’t noticed anything. The media of course was full of Brexit reports on March 29, but other than that,…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Spring, Everybody! This week was yet another sad reminder of the times we live in now. I am leaving for London just this coming week for a short trip (more on this later), and what happened on Westminster Bridge made me think about a lot of things. It is easy to say that we are not going to be frightened (we are not!), but harder not to think I could have been there on the bridge at that very moment. Or not to think whether it is just statistics, like there are so many people in a city like…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday and Happy Spring Everybody! One failed exam later I am determined to return to the blog and to life and find a different approach for taking this exam. One that doesn’t involve neglecting everything else that matters to me or matters even more than taking an exam I wouldn’t even need later on. I might even write a post about it one of these days. But for now, let’s see this week’s stories. Excuse the hastiness of this post, I had very little time this week. Unconstitutional and Invalid: South Africa’s Withdrawal from the ICC Barred (For Now)…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, everybody! I can’t believe two months of this year has already gone by. Especially since I don’t remember doing anything else but studying for the past several weeks. One more week of studies before I am done with the first round of the bar exam. That is, if I pass. But let’s not talk negative just yet. I pinned the above photo several years ago and captured it like: “this actually made me miss law school”. I know, I am crazy, right?! And the photo pretty much sums up my life right now, so I can’t complain. Be careful…

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Sunday Smack

Welcome to the 200th Sunday Smack! Less than two weeks to go for the first round of the bar exam, so instead of celebrating, I spend today (and the weekend, and the whole week, and every minute these days for that matter) studying like crazy. Meaning, I really don’t have time to mark the occasion properly, but this is the 200th week I am doing this weekly round-up! 200! Doing something this long, I could almost be proud of the achivement, if it felt like an achivement and not something I enjoy so much. I can only hope you enjoy it…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! Things don’t seem to calm down in US politics while there are lots of other things to talk about. On a completely different note, have you seen Hidden Figures yet? I have just watched it yesterday, partly in appreciation of International Day of Women in Science. Those three remarkable ladies are true role models! Go watch the movie, if you can! Anyway, I am struggling to be able to complete these posts every week, because of studying for the bar exam, which literally eats up all my time these days. Nevertheless, I will try to think of something special…

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