Tag: Donald Trump

Blabbing the divisiveness of this election

Although this was a year of numerous big elections around the world, I missed all the opportunities to share my regular election-themed posts about the importance of voting. This one isn’t about that either (although it is important, go vote if you haven’t yet!), but something that happened to me last weekend on Instagram. First of all, I barely ever comment on social media, not even on friends’ posts, I intentionally avoid those posts that invite a flood of comments. If I do comment sometimes, I mostly reply to matter-of-factly questions instead of sharing opinions. This time I also thought…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Christmas! I was thinking about skipping this week’s Sunday Smack altogether, because I though no-one would read it on Christmas Eve. But then I saw the flood of issues and posts from the course of this week, which made me decide I can’t take the week off. So, here’s a couple of not at all christmassy reads for you today. UN Vote on Jerusalem Tests the Power of Trump’s Threats and Ultimatums Hopefully he will think twice before such a dumb move. The Well Respected UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is Leaving Because His Job Has Become Impossible…

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What UN week was like

So, as the busiest week in international diplomacy is over now, here is what I thought of the general debate this year. The 72nd session of the UN General Assembly is well underway and of course keeps going on until next fall. Its most prominent week though with high level officials representing their countries on the GA floor is over now, with the closing of the general debate on Monday. The general debate must seem boring for many. I don’t think there is any one person who sits down and listens to almost 200 speeches in a row for days….

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#UNGA week kicks off on Monday

The general debate of the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly starts on Tuesday, but there were plenty of meetings and events on Monday already. Just a couple of highlights from Monday: A High-Level Event on UN Reform was held as one of the first meetings of the day chaired by none other than US President Donald Trump who participates in his first UNGA as POTUS this week. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres delivered remarks before the High Level Stakeholder Dialogue on Climate Change which is of course now a recurring topic of the UNGA. The Dialogue was attended by…

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Sunday Smack

Happy weekend, everybody and happy long weekend to all to whom that applies! I hope your weekend is happy and relaxed! This week’s round-up is short, but there are some important topics here to check out. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is Just Doing His Job It’s a wonder how President Trump havent’t tweeted lies about the High Commissioner yet, that’s what he seems to do with everybody who dares to criticize him. Rules for Reconstruction in Syria I don’t know whether or not it is timely to speak about reconstruction in Syria yet, but this is a…

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Sunday Smack

Happy weekend! I hope this finds you well. We are about to see the end of yet another extreme heat wave that affected several parts of Europe, and science says in the years to come, it will only get worse (while others still say climate change is myth).  My Feedly feed was unusually easy to keep clean this week, my favorite bloggers must be on holiday. And there is not much to write about in terms of world affairs too, which I guess, in a certain perspective is good. Souring Relations Between the United States and Russia May Impact North…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, all! I just love this time of the year around the summer solstice, when the days are the longest. I could spend all night outside reading and taking advantage of even the very last and faintest rays of daylight. I wish I could take the summer and do just that. Read books, sleep and enjoy the sun. But then there are stuff to attend to… Amidst an all American political circus show, many seem to be competing on the who gets blocked by Trump sooner on Twitter race. If only it could really lead to “Trumplessness”, I swear…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, Everybody! Starting with the good part, it is a long weekend in Hungary due to Pentecost Monday, and it also feels like summer around here already! I am doing my best to enjoy it… I started watching season 5 of House of Cards, but unfortunately I don’t really have time to binge it all in one weekend, I am barely halfway yet. Does anybody feel like this season is full of ‘this is/could be Trump’ moments? Most probably this show was always like this, it is political satire after all, we just weren’t aware before that Trump could…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday and Happy Spring Everybody! One failed exam later I am determined to return to the blog and to life and find a different approach for taking this exam. One that doesn’t involve neglecting everything else that matters to me or matters even more than taking an exam I wouldn’t even need later on. I might even write a post about it one of these days. But for now, let’s see this week’s stories. Excuse the hastiness of this post, I had very little time this week. Unconstitutional and Invalid: South Africa’s Withdrawal from the ICC Barred (For Now)…

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Sunday Smack

Welcome to the 200th Sunday Smack! Less than two weeks to go for the first round of the bar exam, so instead of celebrating, I spend today (and the weekend, and the whole week, and every minute these days for that matter) studying like crazy. Meaning, I really don’t have time to mark the occasion properly, but this is the 200th week I am doing this weekly round-up! 200! Doing something this long, I could almost be proud of the achivement, if it felt like an achivement and not something I enjoy so much. I can only hope you enjoy it…

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