Tag: heatwave
Happy weekend! I hope this finds you well. We are about to see the end of yet another extreme heat wave that affected several parts of Europe, and science says in the years to come, it will only get worse (while others still say climate change is myth). My Feedly feed was unusually easy to keep clean this week, my favorite bloggers must be on holiday. And there is not much to write about in terms of world affairs too, which I guess, in a certain perspective is good. Souring Relations Between the United States and Russia May Impact North…
Happy Sunday! This week was incredibly heat-wave-y in most of Europe that may or may not be a result of climate change. I am fully aware that I wrote the same about extreme cold a few months before, these are just the times we’re living. I admit I like this weather, but many countries in Europe are just not used to this kind of heat, not to talk about the health implications of extreme temperatures. I hope you are all safe. Let’s do a little Sunday reading. Is ISIS conceding defeat? And even if it would be, would this be…
Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a great weekend! Some serious heat wave affects Hungary again, and it’s going to stay for quite long this time. Seems like the last week before I head off for vacation is going to be quite hot (that I mostly love!), and it’s going to include loads of work too (something I also mostly love), but I’ll try not to be completely absent from here. Now, how about some Sunday reading? High Drama, UN-Style This could easily be one of the most important documents in the 70 years long history of the…
How is everybody doing this Sunday? I had a really awful week, the kind when you just wish it was over already. The weekend helped a little, I have to add, but tomorrow is work again… In the meantime, the heatwave that has affected all Europe this week has just reached Hungary with its record high maximums expected for the middle of next week. For the time being, I am still enjoying the hot weather, but you might ask me about it on Wednesday again. Now, let’s see some interesting posts from this week. Assembly: States ‘ignore’ nearly 11,000 European…