Tag: Strasbourg
Happy Easter, Everybody! I hope you are having a peaceful and relaxing holiday weekend, whether you celebrate Easter or not. As you might have heard, President János Áder signed the legislation making Central European University’s operations in Hungary impossible into law this week. Demonstrations in Hungary keep going on, now the aim is to get MPs to refer the law to revision to the Constitutional Court (and the whole regime to leave, while we’re at it). The demonstrators are mostly university students, protesting peacefully against this irrational, outrageous and outright stupid act of the government. Meanwhile, on Easter Monday, there will…
Happy Sunday, all! The end of the year is quickly approaching, I honestly have no idea where did all those days and weeks go… I had a crazy week again, I fell behind with all the reading (note: this is a very last minute post!) and studies, and what is worse, I am literally nowhere with the Christmas preparations. I’ll have lots of catching up to do this coming week in more than one areas. BUT, we have a Climate Agreement, people!! This is surely the news of the week, see details below. Now, let’s all hope it can really…
Happy Sunday everybody! This is a half pre-written post, as I am spending these days vacationing in Croatia. Here’s what it looks like at the moment. (If any of you happens to know how on earth does one add photo to a text post in Tumblr’s Android app, please let me know, because I have tried, but couldn’t figure it out…) https://instagram.com/p/6c4G9iyG2G/ Insert beach photo here, which I did not have the chance to take yet, for we are locked in by the rain, so this rainy view from our window will have to do for now, the Adriatic sea…
Happy weekend, everybody! I am just after the final exam of The Changing Global Order on Coursera (more about it later in my MOOC series), let’s just say the last few days felt like exam season all over again, but in the end I have earned a certificate. (Also, note to self: summer is NOT for learning!) Today was all about catching up on my reading that got quite neglected besides learning, meaning I had to read several hundred posts in a day. Here’s the few of them that made it to my weekly round-up. Why the “Snap Back” Provision…
How is everybody doing this Sunday? I had a really awful week, the kind when you just wish it was over already. The weekend helped a little, I have to add, but tomorrow is work again… In the meantime, the heatwave that has affected all Europe this week has just reached Hungary with its record high maximums expected for the middle of next week. For the time being, I am still enjoying the hot weather, but you might ask me about it on Wednesday again. Now, let’s see some interesting posts from this week. Assembly: States ‘ignore’ nearly 11,000 European…
Happy Holidays Everybody! And thank you so much for taking the time to read even on this last Sunday before Christmas! A lot of things happened in the world this week, partly sad, partly exciting (just like my life right now). Here’s what my favorite bloggers blogged about. The Sony Hack: Will the United States Take Countermeasures Against North Korea? And even more so, what kind of measures will they be? International law provides a series of possibilities. The ICC’s Rough December I have posted about these before too, but the ICC still seems to be having a hard time…
Happy Sunday, people! I like to think that I am now close to getting over the longest illness ever experienced in my life. The worst thing, well, besides all the aches and weakness, the worst thing is that procrastinating a lot of things for weeks now, I am literally like two weeks behind myself. I don’t even know where to start catching up. Enjoy this week’s posts while I figure out! A Grounds-Eye View of the Hong Kong Protests The post ends on an optimistic note anticipating Friday’s meeting with government officials, which unfortunately has been canceled by the government….
Happy Sunday Everybody! I was down with a terrible cold most of this week, which made me delay the launch of one new feature to the blog. But, better late than never, right? I’ll work on it next week. Hope you can take time to check out this week’s post while doing your Sunday things. 🙂 The Legality of ISIS Air Strikes Under International Law While John Kerry continues his campaign to collect supporters for the cause, this is a great post about the alternatives of making bombing Syria look like it was legal. The NATO Summit’s Most Important Outcome…
Happy first day of June, dear readers! 🙂 When you are reading this, I am having a great time in London. I hope you are also having a wonderful weekend, wherever you are in the world. 🙂 Since this post was pre-scheduled on Thursday before I left, I only had time to read half of the usual stuff. So this is it for now, I’ll be back with a proper Sunday Smack next week. Thank you all for reading, have a great summer! 🙂 A Far-Right Resurgence in Europe. What Does It Mean? A great overview of European election results….
Happy first day of December and first day of Advent everybody! It doesn’t really feel very Christmassy or even pre-Christmassy for me yet, as it is a bright sunshiny day in Hungary. Some snow would help me get in the mood. A white, snowy Advent and Christmas would surely be nice, but right after the holidays, can it be hot summer again, please? Besides all the other excitements that December holds, I am starting at a new job tomorrow that I am really looking forward to. I wish every one of my readers such an eventful and joyous December that…