Tag: nuclear deal
Happy Sunday and happy long weekend for those who are having a long weekend due to Memorial Day tomorrow! Here is your weekly reading… Greece is Emptying It’s Largest Refugee Camp. The Timing Could Not Be Worse This is a great post not just about Greece emptying the camp at Idomeni, but about the actions behind politicians’ words. All on occasion of the World Humanitarian Summit. The WHO just started counting attacks against health workers. There is a trend. The fact that there is a reason to count in the first place is bad enough. The fact that there is…
Happy August, people! Can you believe it’s August already? That means we have only five months left to act on all our goals for 2015! I don’t know about you guys, but that means a lot of work for me to do! Anyway, I hope the past two-third of this summer was spent well for you all, and you are as excited about its remains as I am! Let’s check out some of this week’s reads… Unpacking Obama’s Message to the African Union The first ever address that a sitting US president made at an African Union meeting held quite…
Happy Sunday everybody! The heatwave has just left Hungary for everybody’s relief except for me who loves the hot weather and I am spending this weekend extended by Monday with much needed rest in the countryside. Finally I was able to catch up with my reading, even had time to read for pleasure (yay, Go Set a Watchman!). Out of my weekly reading, here’s some interesting stuff. A Comprehensive Timeline of the Iran Deal It’s all in the title. A very detailed timeline of what happens next. Another Bad Election in Burundi The long anticipated vote went down this week…
Happy weekend, everybody! I am just after the final exam of The Changing Global Order on Coursera (more about it later in my MOOC series), let’s just say the last few days felt like exam season all over again, but in the end I have earned a certificate. (Also, note to self: summer is NOT for learning!) Today was all about catching up on my reading that got quite neglected besides learning, meaning I had to read several hundred posts in a day. Here’s the few of them that made it to my weekly round-up. Why the “Snap Back” Provision…
whitehouse: Learn more about the historic deal we just reached to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
Happy Sunday, people! This was a very busy week in terms of world affairs, and it is not even over yet. I know, once again, the blog doesn’t really reflect this, and I am sorry about it, I have been kept really busy at work these days, I am continuously behind with my reading goals. I’ll try to work on this, I promise. Here’s three short ones, well in fact, two short ones and a longer one for you to get informed. 7 Humanity Affirming Charts from the UN’s Final MDG Progress Report These results are really hopeful signs of…
Happy Sunday everybody! I am typing these words on an airplane flying back home after a wonderful weekend in Milan, Italy. I took this picture especially for you guys, but you can check out my pics of the weekend on Instagram as well. Italy is a beautiful country, don’t you think? Anyway, I hope you all had a great weekend too! UN Charter and Marriage Equality, A Serendipitous Day in San Francisco Great events took place this Friday in the United States. Most of the rest of the world has quite a lot of catching up to do… The Use…
Hello, Everybody! This four day week was pretty intense for me, by Friday it sure felt like any long and hard working week ever. There were also lots and lots of great posts! Seriously, this week I just wanted to put here almost everything I have read… Check out what I decided not to leave out… The Situation Concerning the Islamic State: Carte Blanche for the ICC if the Security Council Refers? Oh the beauties of law interpretation! And when international law scholars and practitioners interpret the law each in their own ways… Prospect of Peace Recedes in Mali A…
Happy Sunday, everybody! Yesterday was the Day of Poetry in Hungary and on that occasion another one of my old posts went viral. It is the second time in a short period that this happens. Thank you to everybody for sharing and liking my posts! ❤ Hope you are having a beautiful Sunday and now ready to take a few minutes to read my favorite posts of the week. One Doctor’s Account of Yemen Under Siege Yemen quickly became a humanitarian disaster in just a few weeks time. This recount shows how serious the situation is. What Does the Word…
/photo via/ Happy Easter for those who celebrate it, and happy ordinary spring weekend for everybody else! I hope you are having a great weekend either way! There were plenty of news concerning world affairs this week, it was hard to pick but a few posts again. Check them out. 5 Keys To Decoding the Nigerian Elections For Nigeria this is undoubtedly positive. But whether it is huge enough to impact the whole region, time will tell. Kenya Attack: Are schools the Newest Terrorist Targets? Sadly enough. Yet again, this proves how extremists consider education and knowledge their biggest enemy….