Tag: The Changing Global Order

Sunday Smack

Happy weekend, everybody! I am just after the final exam of The Changing Global Order on Coursera (more about it later in my MOOC series), let’s just say the last few days felt like exam season all over again, but in the end I have earned a certificate. (Also, note to self: summer is NOT for learning!) Today was all about catching up on my reading that got quite neglected besides learning, meaning I had to read several hundred posts in a day. Here’s the few of them that made it to my weekly round-up. Why the “Snap Back” Provision…

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MOOC away

Happy June, everybody! I have written about my passion for MOOCs and online learning before. Since then I dig deeper into the world of MOOCs, and later I would like to share my experiences here. Not so long ago I read somewhere that someone was describing learning as climbing high peaks or any other extreme sports: we do it, so we know we can do it. I found this description very well-said, as I myself consider learning a hobby at this point of my life. I am learning, because I have to make sure I am still able to! The…

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