Tag: University of London

“Global Diplomacy: the United Nations in the World” MOOC on Coursera

You know my passion for MOOCs, as I have written about some I have taken on this blog. I was so busy in the past several months that I didn’t even have time to look at the selection of different learning platforms. As it happened before, once I took a look at the selection last week, I already could have chosen several courses to take. Unfortunately my schedule is still thight, so I can only manage one at a time. Finally, I have chosen a MOOC from SOAS University of London with the above title. I have been researching the…

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MOOC away

Happy June, everybody! I have written about my passion for MOOCs and online learning before. Since then I dig deeper into the world of MOOCs, and later I would like to share my experiences here. Not so long ago I read somewhere that someone was describing learning as climbing high peaks or any other extreme sports: we do it, so we know we can do it. I found this description very well-said, as I myself consider learning a hobby at this point of my life. I am learning, because I have to make sure I am still able to! The…

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