Tag: non-proliferation

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! I hope March i.e. the first month of Spring started well for you all. How about House of Cards Season 4? I cant wait to start it already. But first, it’s time to do some weekend reading… United Nations Security Council Resolution 2270 Indeed this is the most unique and harshest sanctions regime yet, but – at least for now – it doesn’t seem to stop the DPRK from pursuing a nuclear bomb. In my opinion, the man is insane and no SC resolution can cure that. Election fallout: What Iran’s Vote Means for Hope and Change (and…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday everybody! The heatwave has just left Hungary for everybody’s relief except for me who loves the hot weather and I am spending this weekend extended by Monday with much needed rest in the countryside. Finally I was able to catch up with my reading, even had time to read for pleasure (yay, Go Set a Watchman!). Out of my weekly reading, here’s some interesting stuff. A Comprehensive Timeline of the Iran Deal It’s all in the title. A very detailed timeline of what happens next. Another Bad Election in Burundi The long anticipated vote went down this week…

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whitehouse: Learn more about the historic deal we just reached to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

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Sunday Smack

Happy first Sunday of February! While preparing for the week ahead, here are some great posts for you to check out. How bad is the situation in Ukraine going to get? It could get very bad indeed. The real question is what would it take for the protesters to give up this time? It really seems they won’t unless the president steps down. The Original Sin of the Syria Chemical Deal With the Geneva talks ending with not much result, it seems the Syrian government is finding its way out of their non-ploriferation obligations as well. Edward Snowden nominated for…

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