Happy Sunday! Wow, what an eventful week! I couldn’t agree more with the Monday cover of La Razón, thank you France for voting inclusion and democratic values! Vive la France! The most turmoil of course was in US politics this week, as is kind of usual these days. It’s also kind of usual for me to refer you to late show clips, because these guys are doing their jobs amazingly no matter how hard it is these days (*coughs* #fakenews). Nothing proves it better than the fact that they actually irritate the president. On a lighter note, U2′s #U2TheJoshuaTree2017 Tour…
Happy Sunday! The world of politics and world affairs were full of unhappy news this past week. Here’s some of the best reads from my favorite blogs… Just Six Years Ago at the UN, These Five Countries Refused to Even Mention Violence Against LGBT Communities. They Have Evolved. This one’s about the UN Security Council’s statement to condemn the Orlando massacre, and I am not sure I would also draw long term consequences from it. Wolves and Wolf Packs And still on the sideline of Orlando, a few wise words about the organization of perpetrators of such hienous acts. Belgium’s…
Happy Sunday! I hope March i.e. the first month of Spring started well for you all. How about House of Cards Season 4? I cant wait to start it already. But first, it’s time to do some weekend reading… United Nations Security Council Resolution 2270 Indeed this is the most unique and harshest sanctions regime yet, but – at least for now – it doesn’t seem to stop the DPRK from pursuing a nuclear bomb. In my opinion, the man is insane and no SC resolution can cure that. Election fallout: What Iran’s Vote Means for Hope and Change (and…
Happy last summer weekend, everybody! I just got back from the beach, as there is a heatwave affecting Hungary again, but I hope you are all enjoying every bit of these last summer moments! As always this time of the year, I am half sad – as summer is my favorite season and I love the hot weather, half excited – as things are revving up after the long weeks of fun and rest and vacation. September is the most exciting time of year, I was actually surprised to find this to be true even when it’s not about school…
Happy Sunday Everybody! Hope you are ready for some Sunday reading… The ISIS Guide to Holy War, or Lonely Planet: Islamic State I really doubt that ISIS would give away all their tips and tricks in such a dumb book. I am afraid they are smarter than that, so this must be something to amuse intelligent agency workers, whether it proves to be practical to would-be-jihadists or not. A UN Special Rapporteur on Privacy – Why Now? And interestingly enough the resolution got all the support it needed. Perhaps we should start by redefining privacy in this digital age of…
Happy Sunday, everybody! After the last long weekend, this one was a one day weekend in Hungary, and I can’t believe tomorrow’s Monday already, I would have needed so much more sleep. And staying up for ESC last night did not help. About that: I am really saddened by all the hate that’s pouring my social media streams from Hungary. Normally I like to think that we are way over this stone aged thinking, just to realize time and again that we are so not. For me, the song itself wasn’t my favorite at all, so I did not think…
Ugandan tabloid prints list of ‘homosexuals’ A tabloid newspaper in Uganda has come out with a list of what it called the country’s top homosexuals. Unbelievable. A day after the signing of anti-gay laws in Uganda… It is sad how these countries in Africa are going back in time instead of developing (Nigeria’s president signed something similar recently).
Happy Sunday everybody! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! As you might noticed, I was a little stuck with the blog last week. To be honest, I do want to make some changes for some time now. The problem is, I do know what I want to see here, how I want it to be, I am just not quite sure how to get there. Please bare with me while I figure it out, I promise to keep this thing up with good content all the while. One thing never changes though, and that’s my enthusiasm towards world…
united-nations: On Friday the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) launched a new initiative, Free & Equal ,for LGBT equality. All people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, are born free & equal in dignity and rights. The United Nations is here to make it clear that LGBT rights are human rights.