Giving Tuesday is about giving (surprise, surprise). After a weekend of eating (Thanksgiving in the US) and shopping (Black Friday and Cyber Monday) like crazy, today is a day to give back. Being grateful that you have enough food to eat and enough money to spend, now is the perfect time to donate to your favourite charity. It doesn’t have to be a huge amount of money, most organizations take any small amount that you have. What I always keep repeating is if everybody who can spare just $5 would give $5 from time to time, most of the world’s problems…
Since I was nowhere near a computer on Monday, and when I was I had to work, I completely forgot to mark World Aids Day. I just watched this great concert on Times Square from this Monday presented by (RED) campaign and Bank of America. I love Bono, I really do, but watching Bruce Springsteen singing U2 songs is just priceless. The whole concert is worth watching! (Source: https://red.bankofamerica.com/)
Happy Sunday everybody! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! As you might noticed, I was a little stuck with the blog last week. To be honest, I do want to make some changes for some time now. The problem is, I do know what I want to see here, how I want it to be, I am just not quite sure how to get there. Please bare with me while I figure it out, I promise to keep this thing up with good content all the while. One thing never changes though, and that’s my enthusiasm towards world…
World AIDS Day is held on December 1 for the 25th time this year! Combating AIDS as one of the deadliest diseases is an emphasized goal of the United Nations, one of Millenium Development Goals. As there’s only going to be one more World AIDS Day until the target year of the MDGs, click here to find out what has been achieved on this front already.
thelovelymissd: Today is World AIDS Day. Get tested, get educated, get involved. http://www.worldaidsday.org/act-aware.php