Tag: Bruce Springsteen
Since I was nowhere near a computer on Monday, and when I was I had to work, I completely forgot to mark World Aids Day. I just watched this great concert on Times Square from this Monday presented by (RED) campaign and Bank of America. I love Bono, I really do, but watching Bruce Springsteen singing U2 songs is just priceless. The whole concert is worth watching! (Source: https://red.bankofamerica.com/)
Happy 2014 everybody! I hope all of your New Years started as great as mine. I came accross some great reads as well in the first days of 2014, check out a few of them. On world affairs: John Kerry cites some progress in Mideast diplomacy US Secretary of State John Kerry started off the New Year with another trip to the Middle East to hold talks with Israeli, Palestinian and other leaders in the region. Why does Ariel Sharon matter? With news of Ariel Sharon’s already bad health failing, The Telegraph posted this article about his significant role in…