Tag: James Comey
Happy Sunday and Happy Summer! This week Britain managed to pull off yet another election where practically everybody lost an no-one knows what to come after, this seems to have become the new standard over there. Also, political turmoil is mounting in the US, but the President still doesn’t seem to be worried. On this week’s episode of The West Wing Weekly (S03E09 Bartlet for America) there were a lot of talk about Congressional hearings and what they are all about. I happened to listen to it the morning after #ComeyDay, and again, I just love when entertainment really adds…
Happy Sunday! Wow, what an eventful week! I couldn’t agree more with the Monday cover of La Razón, thank you France for voting inclusion and democratic values! Vive la France! The most turmoil of course was in US politics this week, as is kind of usual these days. It’s also kind of usual for me to refer you to late show clips, because these guys are doing their jobs amazingly no matter how hard it is these days (*coughs* #fakenews). Nothing proves it better than the fact that they actually irritate the president. On a lighter note, U2′s #U2TheJoshuaTree2017 Tour…