Tag: International Court of Justice
Happy Sunday! We are past the gloomiest day of the year (last Monday, according to general understanding, but no science at all), so we can expect things to be brighter from here on. I mean once Christmas passes, I am so over winter weather anyway, I can’t wait for it to be summer already… How about you? Here’s some weekend reading that unfortunately will not cheer you up, but I hope you’ll enjoy them nontheless. How Multilateral Cooperation Can Stop the Coronavirus Outbreak From Spreading This is yet another example when internationalism and international organizations are indeed helping humankind. One…
Happy Sunday, everybody! I hope you are enjoying the last bits of summery weather as much as I do. In fact I will be off for a late vacation for a few days next week. Here’s what I’ve read before leaving. WHERE DO THE ROHINGYA GO? I never change the spelling of titles, and in this case perhaps all-caps is a well-deserved emphasis. The ICC investigation is good news, but given how long it usually takes, we need more. President Trump Will Preside Over a UN Security Council Meeting About Iran. Iran’s President May Be There, Too This might be…
I hope you are having a smooth, relaxing weekend! We keep saying that these things can happen now anywhere, anytime, but if there was ever a place where I couldn’t imagine such a terrible event happening, it would have been Las Vegas. There are times when I am glad to be living in a country where people can’t just walk around with guns. I know that doesn’t mean I am safe, just saying. How many more people will have to die for pro-gun Americans to realize that something needs to be done? Anyway, keep safe, everybody, wherever you are! Although,…
Happy weekend, everybody! I hope this finds you well. I had a nice mini vacation at the countryside this week, where I spent most of my time out in the sun reading a book or just listening to the sounds of nature. Unfortunately it resulted in a terrible cold/allergy, but the good part was worth it! This time I feel like I have written all I could about such pointless, terrible attacks and find it hard to add anything meaningful at this point. I am sad it just keeps happening… ¡Enviando buenos pensamientos y abrazos cálidos a todos los afectados! ¡Mantente…
Happy long weekend to everybody who have May 1 as Labour Day off, and happy regular weekend to everyone else! I am spending all three days of this weekend activating my right brain. Follow my Instagram for more on this! Meanwhile, things got wild in world affairs this week, so let’s read about it! (The photo is of course from the UN Security Council’s White House lunch with the President, courtesy of Getty Images.) The United States and China Just Presented Two Very Different Plans With the Same Goal: Getting rid of North Korea’s Nukes. Which Will Work? The hot…
Happy Sunday, Everybody! I hope your spring is going well so far! I was on a short holiday for the second half of the week, so I missed Saint Patrick’s Day as well. Hope you all had a good one! I always wear green for work that day, but no-one ever notices (LOL), so this time I celebrated quietly at home. This week the victory of the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy in the Netherlands is another hopeful sign that democrats are still in majority, and now alarmed by last year’s events, they don’t take risks by letting others…
Happy Sunday! Well, after this week, if you are still not worried about the next four years, then you’d better switch channels because you must be watching some other show by accident. I barely had the time to read everything alarmed bloggers posted this week, let alone report here about all that’s happened. I tried to pick posts on some of the most upsetting issues. Three Ways the Proposed Trump Refugee Ban is TOTALLY Unprecedented Let’s start with the most important, one of the bombshell news of the past few days. It is widely reported that the political staff haven’t…
Happy Sunday! Considering all the sad events that have taken place around the world just this past week, let’s all actually take time to be grateful if we are fortunate enough to live in circumstances where wars, displacement, bombings, mass shootings and the likes are unimaginable. A huge proportion of the world’s populace would do anything to be in our shoes, so let’s appreciate life accordingly! While you’re at it, take some time to read too! Brexit and International Law I am not sure when these legal uncertainties will stop to be interesting, but I don’t suppose it is going…
Happy Sunday! The world of politics and world affairs were full of unhappy news this past week. Here’s some of the best reads from my favorite blogs… Just Six Years Ago at the UN, These Five Countries Refused to Even Mention Violence Against LGBT Communities. They Have Evolved. This one’s about the UN Security Council’s statement to condemn the Orlando massacre, and I am not sure I would also draw long term consequences from it. Wolves and Wolf Packs And still on the sideline of Orlando, a few wise words about the organization of perpetrators of such hienous acts. Belgium’s…
Happy Weekend Everybody! How about a little Sunday reading? Croatia v. Serbia: Genocide and the Dolus Specialis Question A long awaited judgement of the International Court of Justice in consistence with its (and those of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia) previous decisions. The Aristrikes against Islamic State in Iraq and the Alleged Prohibition on Military Assistance to Governments in Civil Wars This great and detailed post is solely about the airstrikes in Iraq, but this same question of military assistance to governments in civil wars might soon be current regarding Ukraine as well. Is Jordan Attacking ISIS…