Happy long weekend to everybody who have May 1 as Labour Day off, and happy regular weekend to everyone else!

I am spending all three days of this weekend activating my right brain. Follow my Instagram for more on this!
Meanwhile, things got wild in world affairs this week, so let’s read about it!
(The photo is of course from the UN Security Council’s White House lunch with the President, courtesy of Getty Images.)
The hot topic of these days is of course the Trump administration’s showdown with North Korea. And as it turns out, President Trump doesn’t find this an odd time to alienate South Korea too.
The Perils of Impulsive Promises for Justice in Syria
If only we were there already to be able to talk about prosecution of perpetrators.
It really is hard to imagine that the land you call home is just dying under your feet until it totally disappears to the sea, but for more and more people this is reality. I think it is a totally legitimate aim for them to start families on a land that can actually see their children grow, so a solution must be found soon.
Indeed any decision regardless of which side they favor can be perceived as political in this case.