Tag: use of force
Happy Sunday Everybody! This week I have won access to all of Levo’s Ultimate Career Toolkit guides! I can’t wait to try and utilize them in my career planning which is going pretty hard these days. Anyways, expect a detailed review here at some point about the guides that seem really well prepared and useful. I know it’s not the point, but A and E come together for me, actually… 🙂 Are you on Levo? Let’s connect there, I am easy to find, just type in my name in the search bar, top right corner. And if you’re not on…
Happy first Sunday of Advent! How can it be Advent already, when I feel like I have just returned from summer vacation, is beyond me. But it is. There is only one month left for our 2015 goals, and time to think about new ones for the new year! The year in world affairs is far from being over yet, though. One of the most important diplomatic events of 2015 kicks off tomorrow in Paris. UN member states will gather in Paris in the next two weeks for the UN conference on climate change. Long negotiations are to be expected,…
I hope everyone’s having a peaceful weekend wherever you may be. We have an incredibly depressing weather this weekend in Budapest, the kind that just makes you want to stay in bed and binge watch your favorite shows all day. Too bad I don’t have time for that… How are you all doing? And how about some Sunday reading now? The Constructive Ambiguity of the Security Council’s ISIS Resolution A closer look at the Security Council resolution legitimizing the use of force against ISIL. Can the UN Help Broker a Syria Ceasefire? Well, if anyone can, it is the UN….
Happy Sunday everybody! I am typing these words on an airplane flying back home after a wonderful weekend in Milan, Italy. I took this picture especially for you guys, but you can check out my pics of the weekend on Instagram as well. Italy is a beautiful country, don’t you think? Anyway, I hope you all had a great weekend too! UN Charter and Marriage Equality, A Serendipitous Day in San Francisco Great events took place this Friday in the United States. Most of the rest of the world has quite a lot of catching up to do… The Use…
Happy weekend everybody! There could not possibly be anyone who needed this weekend more than me. I have worked 10-12 hours/day all week, substituting for two of my colleagues away on vacation. It left me really worn out and anxiously looking forward to my own vacation two weeks from now. Catching up on world news was kind of a relaxation after all that. How about you all? How is your summer going so far? A Call for Article 51 Letters There are rules in the UN Charter for the instances of using force. And then there is reality. Perhaps this…
Happy Spring Everybody! In Hungary it really feels like spring already! Unfortunately I don’t have the chance to greet it in a garden, not for the moment that is, but only until next weekend I hope. 🙂 I love sunshine and colours and sunshiny colours and everything that has to do with sunshine and colours, so this is my time! And hot summer days, but you probably know that already. 🙂 There are more serious issues going on in the world, of course, let’s not forget aobut those. Apart from something really disturbing going on in a neigbouring country, the…
Lawfare › Russian Forces in Ukraine: A Sketch of the International Law Issues Ok, well, I usually share my favorite blog posts on Sunday, but I only read this one after I composed the last Sunday Smack. Plus this is my blog, and I do what I want, right? 🙂 Anyway, check this out, it is really good!
breakingnews: Obama to seek congressional approval for military action in Syria President Obama will seek approval from US Congress for military action in Syria, he announced Saturday from the White House Rose Garden. “We are the United States of America,” Obama said. “We cannot turn a blind eye to what happened in Damascus.” Follow the latest at Breaking News. Photo: NBC News