Tag: climate negotiations
Posted by admin Posted on November 29, 2015
Tagged 137, 2015, 2249, Advent, Christmas, climate change, climate negotiations, COP21, COP21Paris, Daesh, december, international law, IS, ISIL, ISIS, islam, politics, resolution, Russia, Security Council, Sunday Smack, Syria, terrorism, Turkey, UN, United Nations, use of force, war, world affairs
Happy first Sunday of Advent! How can it be Advent already, when I feel like I have just returned from summer vacation, is beyond me. But it is. There is only one month left for our 2015 goals, and time to think about new ones for the new year! The year in world affairs is far from being over yet, though. One of the most important diplomatic events of 2015 kicks off tomorrow in Paris. UN member states will gather in Paris in the next two weeks for the UN conference on climate change. Long negotiations are to be expected,…