Tag: holiday

Sunday Smack

I wish everybody a peaceful, relaxing holiday filled with love and joy! Whatever religion you follow, I hope you are spending these days surrounded by loved ones, doing things you enjoy. I wish I could present you with some light topics this weekend, but this was actually a pretty eventful week in terms of world affairs. Here’s your reading. Security Council Passes New Aleppo Resolution. Monitors to Be Deployed Hopefully the Security Council can now take real actions to put an end to the bloodshed that’s been going on for too long. Coping With Tragedy in South Sudan Another SC…

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Sunday Smack

How is it going for everybody? Crazy working hours continued this week for me, even had to bring stuff home for the weekend, and I am in such a need of a holiday right now, I can’t even tell. I’m dreaming of doing absolutely nothing for a day. Or even half a day would be fine. Just one more week of work until then. Hope you’ll like what I found especially interesting this week. Forced Migration as a Weapon of War in Iraq and Beyond The numbers are disturbing as to how many people are forced to leave their homes…

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Sunday Smack

Happy weekend everybody! There could not possibly be anyone who needed this weekend more than me. I have worked 10-12 hours/day all week, substituting for two of my colleagues away on vacation. It left me really worn out and anxiously looking forward to my own vacation two weeks from now. Catching up on world news was kind of a relaxation after all that. How about you all? How is your summer going so far? A Call for Article 51 Letters There are rules in the UN Charter for the instances of using force. And then there is reality. Perhaps this…

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