How is it going for everybody?
Crazy working hours continued this week for me, even had to bring stuff home for the weekend, and I am in such a need of a holiday right now, I can’t even tell. I’m dreaming of doing absolutely nothing for a day. Or even half a day would be fine. Just one more week of work until then.
Hope you’ll like what I found especially interesting this week.
Forced Migration as a Weapon of War in Iraq and Beyond
The numbers are disturbing as to how many people are forced to leave their homes due to internal conflicts in their countries these days.
SAS v. France: Does Anything Remain of the Right to Manifest Religion?
Another long awaited ECHR decision that kind of shook up international lawyers from their summer rests this week. I am among those who don’t necessarily agree with this decision. As a lawyer of course I can understand how the Court could not find legal ground to decide otherwise, although I was still hoping they would find a way to do so. Even knowing that France has a long history of denying minority rights, it is just hard for me to accept how the French couldn’t be “living together” with people who lead a different life than most of them. I believe French chlildren – as all children around the world – should be taught how very different we all are and how diversity is something to cherish and preserve instead of abolish.
African Union leaders granted themselves immunity from prosecution for the most serious war crimes. That is, before the newly established African Court of Justice and Human Rights. Well, they don’t usually recognize the jurisdiction of the ICC anyway, it was high time they created a new court that would leave them alone.
Exclusive: Russia Vetoes House of Cards
I love House of Cards and it could have been the next in the line of big TV shows that were allowed to shoot inside the walls of the UN. Only the Russians said no.