Tag: war crimes
Happy Sunday and happy weekend! After a first week of getting back to work and the outside world in Hungary I can say that some people wrongly assume that life is fully back to normal again, and we can act like nothing irregular happened in the meantime. It is hard to proceed with caution and practice social distancing when other people just don’t seem to care at all. It’s obviously not true for everybody, but too many people in my opinion. What are your experiences with easing up restrictions? Let me know in the comments. Here’s today’s offering. Pandemic Intrigue…
Happy weekend everybody! I am trying to slowly get back into the habit of zeroing my Feedly by the weekend, so I started collecting some worhty blog posts to recommend during the week for you. Although I’ve taken quite long breaks between posts lately, this is actually the 250th Sunday Smack, believe it or not! I’d really like to revive it somehow, but I’m not making promises, just see how it goes. Here is a small collection of good reads in the topic of world affairs/international law for this weekend! What do you think? Let me know which one did…
Happy Sunday! This was a very busy week both in terms of world affairs and in my life. I am yet to find the holiday spirit, maybe next week, when Santa Claus officially comes to Hungary and I am going to see The Nutcracker too. Nothing says Christmas more like The Nutcracker, right? Anyway, I hope you are having a great weekend, and have some time to read. An Eventful Day in The Hague: Channeling Socrates and Goering Really, when we all thought there could be no more suprises left in these proceedings one of the defendants made the conclusion…
Happy Sunday! I have been informed last night (!) that today was going to be the first Sunday of Advent. With everything going on during the end of the year, it was quite a surprise, but I try to cope. I hope those of you celebrating had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, but I say all the rest of us could use a little gratitude in our lives. I hope you have some time to read today. The Mladic judgment and the none ‘not guilty’ verdict This long awaited judgment of the ICTY before it concludes held little surprise for those familiar…
Happy Sunday! I kept watching these Spanish news channels for language learning purposes even before things got interesting. The one thing I can thank the Catalan government now is for contributing to my education like that. But jokes aside, I keep wondering about the right to self-determination in this context, as to what about the rights of those Catalans who do not wish to switch nationalities and most probably loose their EU citizenship? Secession is indeed a very delicate issue with a bunch of questions which even the most seasoned constitutionalists only guessing the answers to. Check out this week’s…
Happy Sunday, everybody! We have the nicest fall weather in Hungary these days, I hope you are doing good too. There are a lot of disturbing things going on in the world right now, from natural disasters through political nonsense to harrassment of women. Even if you are fortunate enough to be safe from it all, please take a moment to think about how you could help. Because we all can help, I believe and I will keep repeating this. Here’s a couple more disturbing but important stories for you… Populist International Law? The Suspended Independence and the Normative Value…
Happy Sunday, all! I just love this time of the year around the summer solstice, when the days are the longest. I could spend all night outside reading and taking advantage of even the very last and faintest rays of daylight. I wish I could take the summer and do just that. Read books, sleep and enjoy the sun. But then there are stuff to attend to… Amidst an all American political circus show, many seem to be competing on the who gets blocked by Trump sooner on Twitter race. If only it could really lead to “Trumplessness”, I swear…
Happy Sunday! The first thing I want to mention is actually from last week, but I only got around to listen to last week’s episode of The West Wing Weekly podcast on Sunday after posting Sunday Smack. That episode last week was about Season 3 Episode 5 of The West Wing titled War Crimes. You know how I just love when different territories of my passions meet? The subplot of this TWW episode that the title refers to was about the argument for and against the US participation in a war crimes tribunal. The argument was very relevant when it…
On Wednesday, 29 March I had the great pleasure to attend the event Accountibility: International crimes in Syria and Iraq organized by Chatham House in London. The event was held in memory of the late John Jones QC, with the co-organization of Doughty Street Chambers, and the chair of the event, Elizabeth Wilmshurst revealed plans to make this an annual gathering with worthy topics. First up to speak a few words about Mr. Jones was one of his former colleagues, head of Doughty Street International, Steven Powles. Then the floor was taken by the panelists to talk about what can…
Happy Sunday, everybody! I can’t believe two months of this year has already gone by. Especially since I don’t remember doing anything else but studying for the past several weeks. One more week of studies before I am done with the first round of the bar exam. That is, if I pass. But let’s not talk negative just yet. I pinned the above photo several years ago and captured it like: “this actually made me miss law school”. I know, I am crazy, right?! And the photo pretty much sums up my life right now, so I can’t complain. Be careful…