Tag: Mianmar

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! I have been informed last night (!) that today was going to be the first Sunday of Advent. With everything going on during the end of the year, it was quite a surprise, but I try to cope. I hope those of you celebrating had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, but I say all the rest of us could use a little gratitude in our lives. I hope you have some time to read today. The Mladic judgment and the none ‘not guilty’ verdict This long awaited judgment of the ICTY before it concludes held little surprise for those familiar…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, everybody! Another weekend has already passed, that I did not spend how I meant to: with rest. Perhaps next week. A lot of exciting things going on in the world these days that worth paying attention to, though. Here’s what I’ve read about them up until Friday, since I have yet to catch up with the latest myself. What can I say, it happens. 🙂 Kerry Accuses Moscow of ‘Unmistakable’ Covert Ops in Eastern Ukraine And Russia’s pursuit of domination in Ukraine goes forward already. One would think Putin at least could wait a little to divert attention….

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