Tag: Ireland
Happy Sunday everybody! I am coming at you from what feels like a whole week of rain, and I kind of drained by it by now, I really want my summer already! Things don’t look brighter in the world either, feels like I haven’t heard any good news in ages. Do you have anything? Please share with me, I need it! I didn’t post last week’s collection, so this is going to be a bit longer, than usual, I hope you don’t mind. Happy reading! Learning from US Streets / A moment of reckoning International law, specifically human rights law…
Happy weekend everybody! I am trying to slowly get back into the habit of zeroing my Feedly by the weekend, so I started collecting some worhty blog posts to recommend during the week for you. Although I’ve taken quite long breaks between posts lately, this is actually the 250th Sunday Smack, believe it or not! I’d really like to revive it somehow, but I’m not making promises, just see how it goes. Here is a small collection of good reads in the topic of world affairs/international law for this weekend! What do you think? Let me know which one did…
Happy Sunday! Hoping everybody’s summer is going well, here’s your Sunday reading. Brexit: Is everything going to change in law, so that very little would change in fact? The British are trying to collect themselves after the appalling results of the referendum, but there is still not much we know for sure. This is one good collection of guesses. The UN is electing new members of the Security Council today. This is a big deal This indeed happened this week at the UN General Assembly with some unusual results. One Year after Sousse, It’s the Economy – Not Security –…
The annual G8 summit has wrapped up earlier this week. On Monday I posted about its expected agenda, now I’d like to briefly go through what’s been decided in Lough Erne in those two days. The EU and US came to an agreement to launch negotiations about what could be “the biggest bilateral trade deal in history” both in worth and in significance. After their main economic discussion, the G8 leaders highlighted the fight against unemployment as a priority in fostering global recovery. They agreed that after bright prospects in 2012, economic and financial difficulties remain in 2013 that require…