Tag: Lough Erne
The annual G8 summit has wrapped up earlier this week. On Monday I posted about its expected agenda, now I’d like to briefly go through what’s been decided in Lough Erne in those two days. The EU and US came to an agreement to launch negotiations about what could be “the biggest bilateral trade deal in history” both in worth and in significance. After their main economic discussion, the G8 leaders highlighted the fight against unemployment as a priority in fostering global recovery. They agreed that after bright prospects in 2012, economic and financial difficulties remain in 2013 that require…
The annual G8 summit starts today at the Lough Erne Resort, in Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. Here’s a brief summary of this year’s agenda. The infographics below are courtesy of the G8 UK Presidency, you can visit their Flickr account clicking the pictures. The free trade agreement between the EU and the US is on the EU’s table for some time now, and the UK Presidency also declared trade advancement one of the most pressing issues. What makes this discussion interesting is the UK’s possible estarngement from the EU. President Obama already said that in the case of the UK leaving…
Critics of the group come not just from political and diplomatic circles. From the end of the 1990s anti-globalization demonstrations has become the regular accompaniment of the summit. Besides asserting their opinions it occured that protesters attempted to stand in the way of attendees of the summit, or took other measures in trying to disorient the event. Most memorably during the 2001 Genoa summit, the protests turned violent and resulted in the death of a demonstrator and the injury of about 70 more. For this reason mainly, ever since 2001 there is an explicit intention to hold the meetings in…
The G8 heads of states/governments come together each year to discuss current major domestic and global issues. There are lower level ministerial meetings of the G8 several times a year, where foreign ministers, finance ministers, environment ministers meet to discuss issues in their respectable areas. Decisions of the heads of governments of the G8 or its ministerial meetings are notable for taking place within the group instead of other major international forums. Many of those decisions remain decisions without real results though. Since the end of the 90s there were such commintments to fight against global poverty, fight diseases including…
The annual G8 summit is about to kick off on Monday, so I thought I would do a few educational/informational posts about the G8 in general and about this year’s meeting in particular. So this is the first one in a series, watch out for the rest in the coming days. The G8 summit is held annually to gather eight world leaders in order to discuss current economic and political issues affecting their countries and the world. G8 stands for the Group of 8, that is, the eight most prosperous countries of the world. Almost. To be more specific, G8=G7+1….