Happy Sunday, everybody! I can’t believe two months of this year has already gone by. Especially since I don’t remember doing anything else but studying for the past several weeks. One more week of studies before I am done with the first round of the bar exam. That is, if I pass. But let’s not talk negative just yet.
I pinned the above photo several years ago and captured it like: “this actually made me miss law school”. I know, I am crazy, right?! And the photo pretty much sums up my life right now, so I can’t complain. Be careful what you wish for.
(Note: I tried to credit the photo, but the link leads nowhere from my Pinterest, so if you recognize your photo, please do let me know, so I can properly credit you!)
Down to business now…
The UN declared South Sudan famine struck this week as the organization lacks funds for adequate help.
US Options for Responding to ICC Scrutiny in Afghanistan
This investigation is not likely to die down, and I imagine the Trump administration’s response is not going to be traditional or calculable.
Samantha Power: My Friend, the Russian Ambassador
Samantha Power’s article is not just a heartfelt farewell to Vitaly Churkin who unexpectedly passed away this week, but also a glimpse into the workings of diplomacy.
The Curious Case of the Killing of Kim Jong-nam
This is for your laugh of the week. After reading the first paragraph I was also like how can a person’s death be funny. Well for him, it certainly isn’t, but the way the DPRK handles the case only proves how those satire comedies about Kim Jong Un do have some truth to them.