Tag: Stephen King
Posted by admin Posted on June 18, 2017
Tagged 2050, 217, clean water, Donald Trump, Egypt, Gulf Cooperation Council, human rights, humanity, Hungary, ICC, International Criminal Court, J.K. Rowling, Kuwait, migrants, migration, politics, Quatar, refugees, Saudi Arabia, Stephen King, summer, Sunday Smack, transit zones, Twitter, UAE, USA, war crimes, water, water crisis, water shortage
Happy Sunday, all! I just love this time of the year around the summer solstice, when the days are the longest. I could spend all night outside reading and taking advantage of even the very last and faintest rays of daylight. I wish I could take the summer and do just that. Read books, sleep and enjoy the sun. But then there are stuff to attend to… Amidst an all American political circus show, many seem to be competing on the who gets blocked by Trump sooner on Twitter race. If only it could really lead to “Trumplessness”, I swear…