Tag: poetry

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! Antonio Guterres was officially appointed by the General Assembly as the 9th Secretary General of the UN this week. I honestly think he is well suited for the role and great things can be expected in his tenure. On a completely different note, Bob Dylan got a Nobel Prize in Literature and although I am only slightly aquainted with his work, I am not at all one of those literature snobs who can’t understand this one. I have always considered song lyrics in the league of poetry (well, the better ones anyway), so congrats is definitely in order…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, everybody! Yesterday was the Day of Poetry in Hungary and on that occasion another one of my old posts went viral. It is the second time in a short period that this happens. Thank you to everybody for sharing and liking my posts!  ❤ Hope you are having a beautiful Sunday and now ready to take a few minutes to read my favorite posts of the week. One Doctor’s Account of Yemen Under Siege Yemen quickly became a humanitarian disaster in just a few weeks time. This recount shows how serious the situation is. What Does the Word…

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Day of Poetry in Hungary

On April 11, the birthday of famous Hungarian poet, Attila József, Hungary is celebrating the Day of Poetry. Here, one of the greatest Attila József poems to mark the occasion. Scroll down for English, Spanish, French and Russian translations. József Attila: Tiszta szívvel (1925) Nincsen apám, se anyám,se istenem, se hazám,se bölcsőm, se szemfedőm,se csókom, se szeretőm. Harmadnapja nem eszek,se sokat, se keveset.Húsz esztendőm hatalom,húsz esztendőm eladom. Hogyha nem kell senkinek,hát az ördög veszi meg.Tiszta szívvel betörök,ha kell, embert is ölök. Elfognak és felkötnek,áldott földdel elfödneks halált hozó fű teremgyönyörűszép szívemen. __________________________________________________________ Attila József: With a pure heart Without father…

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March 21: International Day of Poetry and International Day of Forests

I actually posted this below last year for the Hungarian Day of Poetry (April 11). I know it’s pretty lame, reblogging myself (sort of), but I thought it could be appropriate for this occasion as well. I promise I will come up with something original for April 11 though. 🙂 About the International Day of Forests, you can learn more clicking the logo: (P.S. Does anybody know why Tumblr makes it impossible to reblog yourself?! Not that I want to do it often, but really…) blabbingworldaffairs: One last poem for today. This one relates to my addiction to international relations,…

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Arany János: Civilizáció / Civilization

One last poem for today. This one relates to my addiction to international relations, quoted many times by Hungarian international law scholars when speaking about the function of international law. János Arany, famous Hungarian poet was much upset about the outcome of the Russo-Turkish war in 1878 when the Congress of Berlin met to reorganize the countries of the Balkans. Not many were satisfied with the unjust resettlement, many still consider these decisions as starting point eventually leading to World War I. Civilization is a short poem with much irony expressing the popular opinion of that time. I like to think…

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Robert Burns: Oh Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast

I love this one by Robert Burns although I have to admit the language with the Scottish flavour is a little hard for me. Plus we have a beautiful translation in Hungarian by Sándor Weöres. Hungarian speakers can find it below. 🙂 ________________________________________________________ Robert Burns: Oh Wert Thou In The Cauld Blast Oh wert thou in the cauld blast, On yonder lea, on yonder lea, My plaidie to the angry airt, I’d shelter thee, I’d shelter thee; Or did misfortune’s bitter storms Around thee blaw, around thee blaw, Thy bield should be my bosom, To share it a’, to share…

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József Attila: Kopogtatás nélkül / Without knocking / Sin llamar

Since it’s his birthday, I start with one of my favorites from Attila József. First in Hungarian, then in English, and for the Spanish speaking readers, I recently found a Spanish translation on this all about Attila József Tumblr page. ______________________________________________________ József Attila: Kopogtatás nélkül Ha megszeretlek, kopogtatás nélkül bejöhetsz hozzám, de gondold jól meg,szalmazsákomra fektetlek, porral sóhajt a zizegő szalma. A kancsóba friss vizet hozok be néked,cipődet, mielőtt elmégy, letörlöm,itt nem zavar bennünket senki,görnyedvén ruhánkat nyugodtan foltozhatod. Nagy csönd a csönd, néked is szólok,ha fáradt vagy, egyetlen székemre leültetlek,melegben levethetsz nyakkendőt, gallért,ha éhes vagy, tiszta papirt kapsz tányérul, amikor…

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So, today is Hungarian National Day of Poetry

The date marks the birthday of one of our biggest poets Attila József. Some of my favorite poems coming along later… 🙂

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