Happy Sunday!
Antonio Guterres was officially appointed by the General Assembly as the 9th Secretary General of the UN this week. I honestly think he is well suited for the role and great things can be expected in his tenure.
On a completely different note, Bob Dylan got a Nobel Prize in Literature and although I am only slightly aquainted with his work, I am not at all one of those literature snobs who can’t understand this one. I have always considered song lyrics in the league of poetry (well, the better ones anyway), so congrats is definitely in order here as well!
There were so many great posts to read this week, that I was having a hard time choosing just a few to recommend. So, if you happen to have a little more time to read, make sure to browse the below linked blogs for more!
Deadlock at the Security Council on Syria: A Legal Perspective
As Russia continously vetoes UNSC decisions concerning Syria, a solution is sought for, to enable the UN to fulfill its role in maintaining peace anyway.
The Crisis in South Sudan is Sending 2,000 Refugees to Uganda. Every Day
There are quite enough crises around the world to choose from to feature here, but how many of you have heard about this one? Not enough, I am certain. When we are judging people fleeing from that part of the world, we should know about the life they wish to leave behind.
On the Paris Agreement’s Imminent Entry Into Force (Part I of II) and
On the Paris Agreement’s Imminent Entry Into Force (Part II of II)
Ahead of the Paris Agreement’s entry into force on November 5 and the Marrakesh Climate Change Conference starting November 7, these two posts include everything you need to know about the rules and procedures.