Tag: Australia

Sunday Smack

Happy weekend, everybody! Summer is just about to return for a few days in Hungary, which I am really happy about – as if there were not enough overly warm days during the past months… Well, what can I say, I love summer! Meanwhile I am working on a few things to shake up my professional profile, online and real time – is there a difference anymore, anyway? While I will have to use my time management skills really hard, there will be some exciting new posts on this platform, too. Here’s this week’s round-up, for a start… Why Does…

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Eurovision 2015: the Guardian’s data-driven prediction

Eurovision 2015: the Guardian’s data-driven prediction Here, Eurovision 2015 explained by The Guardian. I for one, did not know that the Armenian song, which by the way is predicted to win, is about the 1915 genocide… “Genealogy’s controversial “Face the Shadow” references the mass murder of 1.5m Armenians by the Ottoman Empire in 1915. It was originally called “Don’t Deny” – Turkey still contests that it was not a genocide, and this title was deemed too political by Eurovision organisers.” There is one thing that no-one can explain though, how on earth did Australia become part of Europe? I (unlike…

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Russia under pressure at G20 summit

Russia under pressure at G20 summit Russia has been rebuked by Western leaders about its role in the Ukraine crisis, at a G20 summit in Australia. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper told Russian President Vladimir Putin that he needed to “get out of Ukraine”. US President Barack Obama said Moscow’s “aggression” in Ukraine was a “threat to the world”, while the UK threatened more sanctions unless Russia stopped “destabilising” its neighbour. The two-day summit in Brisbane is focusing on promoting economic growth.

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Sunday Smack

I used to know a professor at law school, who was very proud that he has never been to vote at any elections. Ever. Not once. He talked about politics a lot, teaching administration law, he had stuck quite a few political comments to each and every topic. He kept repeating his conviction that not voting entitles him to criticize all political sides as he wishes. I always thought just the opposite! If you don’t care to share your opinion on the one single occasion it actually counts, then shut the f#@$ up all other times. As a sociologist, I…

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Sunday Smack

Wrapping up a very eventful week as always, here’s a few great posts for you to catch up with global news. Who is Invited to the Syria Peace Talks (And Who’s Not) A map of the invitees by BBC World with Mark Leon Goldberg’s smart comments on UNDispatch. Should He Stay or Should He Go? Assad’s Future Clouds Syria Talks Indeed this is the one question on which the parties’ views can’t seem to get even an inch closer. Burning Buses in Kyiv Last weekend the sparkles of protests fired up yet again even stronger than before in the Ukranian…

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Sunday Smack

Happy first day of December and first day of Advent everybody! It doesn’t really feel very Christmassy or even pre-Christmassy for me yet, as it is a bright sunshiny day in Hungary. Some snow would help me get in the mood. A white, snowy Advent and Christmas would surely be nice, but right after the holidays, can it be hot summer again, please? Besides all the other excitements that December holds, I am starting at a new job tomorrow that I am really looking forward to. I wish every one of my readers such an eventful and joyous December that…

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United Nations News Centre – Argentina, Australia, Luxembourg, Republic of Korea and Rwanda obtain non-permanent seats on UN Security Council

United Nations News Centre – Argentina, Australia, Luxembourg, Republic of Korea and Rwanda obtain non-permanent seats on UN Security Council The United Nations General Assembly has elected Argentina, Australia, Luxembourg, the Republic of Korea and Rwanda to serve as non-permanent members on the Security Council for two-year terms beginning on 1 January 2013. The five permanent Council members, which each wield the power of veto, are China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. Non-permanent members Azerbaijan, Guatemala, Morocco, Pakistan and Togo will remain on the 15-member Council until the end of 2013.

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