Wrapping up a very eventful week as always, here’s a few great posts for you to catch up with global news.
Who is Invited to the Syria Peace Talks (And Who’s Not)
A map of the invitees by BBC World with Mark Leon Goldberg’s smart comments on UNDispatch.
Should He Stay or Should He Go? Assad’s Future Clouds Syria Talks
Indeed this is the one question on which the parties’ views can’t seem to get even an inch closer.
Last weekend the sparkles of protests fired up yet again even stronger than before in the Ukranian capital. Unfortunately even more grievious events took place in Kyev later this week than burning buses.
Why Has it Been So Hard to Raise Funds for CAR?
Why has it been so hard to create awareness about this African tragedy? What does it take for the world to care?
A new woman head of state: Taking on troubles in Central African Republic
I am all for woman leaders! Let’s see how Catherine Samba-Panza can help her troubled country in the coming year as an interim leader.EAS
A $15 Million Dollar Torture Partnership
Word has it the US has paid $15 million to Poland to host a secret CIA detention facility.
East Timor’s Case in the ICJ: Will The Court Decide Whether Spying Violates International Law?
East Timor v. Australia in the ICJ. Even if the alleged syping did happen, and even if it proves to be a violation of international law, I can’t see on what ground would it invalidate an international treaty.