How is everybody doing this Sunday?
I had a really awful week, the kind when you just wish it was over already. The weekend helped a little, I have to add, but tomorrow is work again…
In the meantime, the heatwave that has affected all Europe this week has just reached Hungary with its record high maximums expected for the middle of next week. For the time being, I am still enjoying the hot weather, but you might ask me about it on Wednesday again.
Now, let’s see some interesting posts from this week.
Assembly: States ‘ignore’ nearly 11,000 European Court judgements
This is just a short one, I had to include it, because many times I have wondered right here on these pages whether there is any use to the ECHR sentencing states to pay large amounts of money to citizens for human rights breaches. Turns out many times there isn’t really.
The UN Gaza Report: Heads I Win, Tails You Lose
Jeez, I have read a ton of bad critics – I mean is there such thing as bad critics in relation to a report of inquiry? Anyway, but Lawfare is being especially hard on the whole concept. Other than it is boring (meaning doesn’t contain any novelty whatsoever), it has been accused of every level of unprofessionalism too.
Child Marriage in India: Loopholes in the Law
Child marriage is still a huge obstacle to overcome, not just in India.
Can Women Solve FIFA’s Corruption Problem?
Why, is this really a question? It should be obvious by now that all organizations benefit from more women leaders, FIFA must be no exception.