Sunday Smack

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Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a great weekend!

Some serious heat wave affects Hungary again, and it’s going to stay for quite long this time. Seems like the last week before I head off for vacation is going to be quite hot (that I mostly love!), and it’s going to include loads of work too (something I also mostly love), but I’ll try not to be completely absent from here.

Now, how about some Sunday reading?

High Drama, UN-Style

This could easily be one of the most important documents in the 70 years long history of the United Nations. The draft of the Sustainable Development Goals is ready to be agreed upon and signed by member states.

India and Bangladesh Exchange 50,000 People, End Diplomatic Standoff

This news went almost unnoticed in international media, even though it’s such a major step forward for South Asia.

The Human Rights Committee, Treaty Interpretation, and the Last Word

One would think that by the 114th session, things should go smoothly in the UN Human Right Committee. But of course one knows that the Committee is often the venue of serious diplomatic debates, many times about its members with questionable human rights records.

Double-standards: The Gaza vs. Yemen conflicts

Speaking of those disputes, here’s an age-old one. Whenever I cite UN Watch articles here, I always warn to take them as one point of view. Undoubtedly an important one with much truth to it, but we always must view the whole picture to draw conclusions. (Why, of course this is true for most articles here, as blog posts are mostly opinion pieces…)

Author: admin

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