Tag: USA

Sunday Smack

Hope everybody is well after this week of incredible news. The image I used is from the Daily Mirror frontpage from the day after. You can read its story clicking here. This was one of the best front pages in my opinion, but you can check out a bunch of others clicking here  if you want to. And then there were the publications too. From the immediate expressions of shock through some more resigned expressions of shock to the well thought out analyses. The latter trying to find the reasons will give plenty of job for analysts in the years…

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huffpostpolitics: America Elected A Man Who Said ‘Grab Them By The P***y’ Over The First Female President Donald Trump openly bragged about using his celebrity status to sexually assault women. And multiple women accused him of actually doing so. He said he was in favor of banning people from entering the United States based on their religion. He believes that women he finds physically unattractive or overweight are lesser people. He thinks that many Mexican immigrants are rapists. He mocked people with disabilities. He encouraged violence against protesters at his political rallies. For years, he was the most notable person…

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Sunday Smack

OK, I usually try to avoid posting opinion about foreign elections, because clearly it is none of my business. But this time I will say this. Generally, when it comes to elections, I always say “go, vote”. Whatever the issue, general elections, local elections, referendum, when they ask for your opinion, it is not just your right, but your civic duty to go tell them. That’s what keeps democracy alive! So go vote, my US friends! Go vote, unless you are in favour of letting loose a rapist psychopath for all the world to suffer the consequences. Then please go…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, everybody! Today, there is a referendum held in Hungary, where Hungarians are asked to answer with yes or no to the following question. “Do you want the European Union to be able to mandate the obligatory resettlement of non-Hungarian citizens into Hungary without the approval of Parliament?” Well,first of all, the EU can do that now, whether citizens of member states want it or not, simply based on the EU Treaty. So a “No” answer doesn’t make any sense. A “Yes” answer doesn’t make sense either, no-one really “wants” this, not even the EU, although the quotas are off the table…

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Sunday Smack

Again, I had a very busy week at work, and it seems it’s been a busy week in world affairs too, my Feedly wasn’t this overflooded in months. Next week will be eventful and exciting in terms of international relations, and it is going to be eventful and exciting for me too, especially the weekend. On Friday I am traveling to The Hague to participate in the Just Peace Festival events. I am overly excited, as this is going to be my first time in the city of jusitce. For the International Open Day on Sunday I am registered to…

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Sunday Smack

Hello Everyone, I hope you’re having a great September weekend! We are having the most wonderful summer weather in Hungary, so as this post goes up, I am enjoying the late summer outdoors with a picnic. I am still busy with online learning and online challenges, while in my non-existent spare time I started a major decluttering (in my apartment and in my life) which leaves me incredibly refreshed and inspired. Highly recommended against burnout. Now let’s read. G20: They came, saw, shrugged, left and  What Putin Didn’t Get In Hangzhou The G20 summit actually did not produce much news…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! The world of politics and world affairs were full of unhappy news this past week. Here’s some of the best reads from my favorite blogs… Just Six Years Ago at the UN, These Five Countries Refused to Even Mention Violence Against LGBT Communities. They Have Evolved. This one’s about the UN Security Council’s statement to condemn the Orlando massacre, and I am not sure I would also draw long term consequences from it. Wolves and Wolf Packs And still on the sideline of Orlando, a few wise words about the organization of perpetrators of such hienous acts. Belgium’s…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, people! After a busy early summer week, here’s some reading for you all… In Mali, peacekeepers have become the target of an insurgency. This is unprecedented The deadliest UN peacekeeping mission so far provides (urges, actually)  the opportunity to rethink the concept of peacekeeping.  Should the U.S. Military Receive the Benefit of the Doubt When Investigating Itself for Alleged War Crimes? Perhaps they should. But it is still annoying that that is exactly what the international community set up the whole system of international jurisdiction for all those years ago, and they still cannot make themselves to comply…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday and happy long weekend for those who are having a long weekend due to Memorial Day tomorrow! Here is your weekly reading… Greece is Emptying It’s Largest Refugee Camp. The Timing Could Not Be Worse This is a great post not just about Greece emptying the camp at Idomeni, but about the actions behind politicians’ words. All on occasion of the World Humanitarian Summit. The WHO just started counting attacks against health workers. There is a trend. The fact that there is a reason to count in the first place is bad enough. The fact that there is…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday everybody! How about last night’s ESC results? I did not like either of these songs in particular, but the announcement of the results was something.  When it came down to Russia versus Ukraine, Ukraine must have taken the win, even though I am pretty sure the results were manipulated, in Russia for sure. There was also a collective sigh of relief heard over the winner remaining in Europe after all, although nobody really understood how Australia got in the picture in the first place. Then again, the Eurovision Song Contest is still very much like geopolitics, only the…

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