Hello Everyone, I hope you’re having a great September weekend!

We are having the most wonderful summer weather in Hungary, so as this post goes up, I am enjoying the late summer outdoors with a picnic.
I am still busy with online learning and online challenges, while in my non-existent spare time I started a major decluttering (in my apartment and in my life) which leaves me incredibly refreshed and inspired. Highly recommended against burnout.
Now let’s read.
G20: They came, saw, shrugged, left and
What Putin Didn’t Get In Hangzhou
The G20 summit actually did not produce much news worthy decisions this year, but the side talks with Russia is worth mentioning.
Are South Sudanese Forces Deliberately Targeting Americans? Is the UN next?
The UN can only be next once they are in. Another sad proof that UN Peacekeeping Missions can only be as effective as the hosting country’s cooperation lets them.
European Union 2: A Revolutionary Response to a British Coup d’état
Great one about what can the EU possibly learn from the disillusionment of its people.