Tag: Medicins Sans Frontiers

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday Everybody! I hope you are all savouring your last weeks of summer this time around (unless you live somewhere where it is summer all year round in which case I envy you, or somewhere where it is not summer these months in which case let me know when it is summer already, then I want to go there). This week it was really down-season around the office for me, but at least coming back from vacation did not hurt that much. August 20 is also a National Day in Hungary, so when I am writing this (scheduled post…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, people! After a busy early summer week, here’s some reading for you all… In Mali, peacekeepers have become the target of an insurgency. This is unprecedented The deadliest UN peacekeeping mission so far provides (urges, actually)  the opportunity to rethink the concept of peacekeeping.  Should the U.S. Military Receive the Benefit of the Doubt When Investigating Itself for Alleged War Crimes? Perhaps they should. But it is still annoying that that is exactly what the international community set up the whole system of international jurisdiction for all those years ago, and they still cannot make themselves to comply…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday Everybody! As you are reading this, I am in the UK somewhere having a good time and looking forward to the U2 concert on 3 November, which almost did not happen. (Phew, long story, perhaps many will contradict, but let me just warn you not to order tickets via viagogo.com! Well, not unless you can have them in your mailbox right away. What happened is that they kindly informed me three days prior to the concert, that the tickets I payed for five months in advance don’t exist!!! They blame it on the seller, but I suspect they…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, people! I have had a crazy week at work, and an even crazier (but pleasant!) weekend spent with friends, hence this late Sunday Smack. I hope you all had a great weekend too! Meanwhile, there were a lot of great readings in the blogosphere this week, it was hard to pick a few. Check out my selection. The Kunduz Hospital Attack: The Existence of a Fact-Finding Commission and  Will the ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Awaken? The Kunduz Hospital Attack and the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission There need to be a way to investigate the circumstances of this attack, and this might…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, people, I hope everybody is having a great weekend! It is unbelievably gloomy here in Hungary these days, I am so in need of a dose of sunshine now. Perhaps a doze of my favorite TV shows will do until then. This is going to happen tonight, and I can’t wait. I mean I literally have zero time to watch these things anymore, but this one is a must. Even without my idol, Madeleine Albright in it, but with her, even more so! Anyway, Part II. of my UNGA general debate recap is halfway done, I plan to…

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