Tag: USA

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! I have spent some wonderful days in the UK and had a fantastic time at the U2 concert at TheO2, London on Tuesday. You can check out some of my photos and videos on my Instagram. Then of course, it was back to work for the second half of the week. Well, how about this? And how about other world leaders following the example? Because it’s 2015. And for some more inspiration on gender equality you should watch Emma Watson’s interview with Malala at Into Film Festival, if you haven’t yet. Let’s see what else happened this week……

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Iran joins talks in Vienna about the Syrian civil war

Iran joins talks in Vienna about the Syrian civil war IT COULD have been worse. That was more or less the read-out after talks on Syria in Vienna on October 30th between allies and foes of President Bashar al-Assad including America, Saudi Arabia, Russia and, for the first time, Iran. No one walked out, even though Iran backs Mr Assad and Saudi Arabia is one of the main backers of anti-Assad rebel groups, as well as Iran’s chief rival in the region. Click the title to read more.

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, all!  In Hungary we are past a nice long weekend that I have spent in the countryside. I am typing these words on a train back to Budapest, that was delayed 70 (!) minutes (Edit: departure time was delayed 70 minutes, and another 60 minutes was added during the train ride, so I got home more than two hours later than planned, I’m not one to complain, but I wish I could say this is not typical in Hungary…). That means I had more than enough time to catch up with my reading for this post. Hope you’ll…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, people! I have had a crazy week at work, and an even crazier (but pleasant!) weekend spent with friends, hence this late Sunday Smack. I hope you all had a great weekend too! Meanwhile, there were a lot of great readings in the blogosphere this week, it was hard to pick a few. Check out my selection. The Kunduz Hospital Attack: The Existence of a Fact-Finding Commission and  Will the ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Awaken? The Kunduz Hospital Attack and the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission There need to be a way to investigate the circumstances of this attack, and this might…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, people, I hope everybody is having a great weekend! It is unbelievably gloomy here in Hungary these days, I am so in need of a dose of sunshine now. Perhaps a doze of my favorite TV shows will do until then. This is going to happen tonight, and I can’t wait. I mean I literally have zero time to watch these things anymore, but this one is a must. Even without my idol, Madeleine Albright in it, but with her, even more so! Anyway, Part II. of my UNGA general debate recap is halfway done, I plan to…

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#UNGA70 General Debate digest Part I.

A promise, now overdue, but better late than never. I will post my review of the general debate in two parts and of miscellaneous events of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly so far in a third. This year I followed more speeches than in previous years, as the refugee crisis in Europe puts many countries in the spotlight that otherwise would not be of interest in terms of world affairs. The theme of the general debate of the 70th session was „The United Nations at 70 – a new commitment to action”, but besides the theme, the…

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Sunday Smack

Happy weekend, everybody! Summer is just about to return for a few days in Hungary, which I am really happy about – as if there were not enough overly warm days during the past months… Well, what can I say, I love summer! Meanwhile I am working on a few things to shake up my professional profile, online and real time – is there a difference anymore, anyway? While I will have to use my time management skills really hard, there will be some exciting new posts on this platform, too. Here’s this week’s round-up, for a start… Why Does…

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Sunday Smack

Happy weekend everybody, and happy labor day weekend to all my US readers, who – according to Google Analytics – make up the third largest crowd among my overall readership. BTW, I am still in the process of figuring out why the first place goes to Russia, but then, shoutout to my Russian readers too, anyway! I have never thought I would ever be writing these words, but seriously, I wish my country wouldn’t be on international news that much! Even the daily news roll of my favorite global affairs blog came out one day with the title “Seriously, Hungary?”. And…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, everybody! I hope this post finds you all enjoying this one of the final summer weekends of this year. When you are reading this, I am spending my last day at the beautiful Croatian coasts (probably in the clear waters of the Adriatic sea, since this post is pre-scheduled), tomorrow we are heading back home (and to life, and to work). I don’t even try again to insert a photo here (Tumblr app needs some improvement!), check out my Instagram to get a picture (or more) of how and where I spent the days this post was created….

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Sunday Smack

Happy August, people! Can you believe it’s August already? That means we have only five months left to act on all our goals for 2015! I don’t know about you guys, but that means a lot of work for me to do!  Anyway, I hope the past two-third of this summer was spent well for you all, and you are as excited about its remains as I am! Let’s check out some of this week’s reads… Unpacking Obama’s Message to the African Union The first ever address that a sitting US president made at an African Union meeting held quite…

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