Who else is tired of all those early year-in-reviews? I mean it could very well be that the best of this year is yet to come! It must come in a hurry, no doubt, but still, there is a chance. Why not wait for it?
That being said, check out the Top 25 News Photos of 2016 collected by The Atlantic these photos are everything!
And check out the other stories from this week too!
Aleppo Will Be Synonymous with Srebrenica
The situation is grave enough already without such news emerging from Aleppo.
John Kerry’s Final Job is Not to Whitewash Obama’s Legacy on Syria
Not that this matters in any way anymore. What’s more important is what will happen next.
ICRC survey: persons who have experienced war most value laws regulating armed conflict
The results are thought-provoking maybe, but not at all surprising. Surely worth a read, though.
The United Nations’ Efforts to Restore a Reputation Tarnished by Cholera
The coming new era of the United Nations might be completely different. But until then, there are some unresolved issues to deal with.