Happy Sunday!
And happy Mother’s Day for all the mothers (mine especially! ♥), as we are celebrating it on the first Sunday of May on this side of the pond. Speaking of which, happy May too! That’s a whole lot of happy occasions! 🙂
And these are for your reading pleasure today:
What the Failure of the Geneva Talks Means
Forcing Assad to step down might be an uneasy task to say the least, but finding a worthy and capable successor proves even more difficult.
One Europe, from the Arctic to Lampedusa
Why I have only recently come across Federica Mogherini’s blog is beyond me, but once I have, I became a follower and a keen reader. She always provides first hand insights to important foreign issues and how they are being dealt with by the European Union.
Thou shalt not Insult the (Foreign) Head of State?
Looking further ahead of the specific case in question, this is great legal reading.
The Russian Response to the Prisoner Voting Judgment
A very delicate question as the rights of convicted prisoners always were and always will be a most controversial issue. This is a great overview of the practice of the ECHR regarding prisoner voting rights.