Happy last Sunday of February!
As one-sixth of 2016 is gone and spring is approaching I am looking forward to welcome changes. Here on the blog and in life as well. I do hope there will be even more than I expect at this time.
Happy reading!
Getting Serious About Syria: What to do When Containment Doesn’t Work and
Although many believe that the new developments on the Syria front will be short lived if they materialize at all. The first post outlines a solution which would lead to results in years. The other is worth reading along with the one that served as its basis. I think the truth (if there is any such thing in diplomacy) lies between the two.
Uganda’s Elections Show that Democratic Gains are Slowing in Much of Africa
Around that part of the world, it looks as though democracy is the most desirable solution only until one’s stably in power. Then come other alternatives.
A Diplomat in Name Only? Judicial Scrutiny of Diplomatic Appointments
If you would think that deciding whether one is a diplomat or not is an easy task, then read through and think again.