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Every day, millions of people around the world are being threatened not only by international war and internal conflicts but also by chronic and persistent poverty, natural disasters, organised crime, human trafficking, health pandemics, and sudden economic and financial downturns.

Human security aims at ensuring the survival, livelihood and dignity of people in response to current and emerging threats – threats that are widespread and cross cutting. 

World leaders have stressed “the right of all people to live in freedom and dignity, free from poverty and despair” — rights that form the foundation for human safety on all continents and acknowledge the interlinkages between security, development and human rights and consider these to be the building blocks of human and national security.

In this context, a High-Level event on Human Security is taking place today, May 8, in New York City which aims to chart a future course for human security; an approach that integrates peace, security, development, and human rights.

Author: admin

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