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Migrants Cross Austria Border From Hungary

Thousands of migrants who have been bottled up in Hungary, demanding passage to the West, will be allowed into Austria and Germany, the Austrian chancellor said late Friday. Early Saturday, the first buses carrying them arrived at the Hungary-Austria border.

  • Hungary is  bound to apply the EU rules of registering migrants crossing the Schengen border, as long as they are not registered, they have to be considered illegals, which makes passing through thoroughly difficult.
  • Hungarian actions in the past few days were irrational at best, it seemed like the government was keen on making a point of “unwelcoming” all refugees and migrants (note the word choice).
  • Not all Hungarians are xenophobic, intolerant, migrant-hater racists, I hope  the world gets that, right-wing hardliners are just a minority!
  • Many European countries (including Hungary) would benefit in a lot of ways from accepting even masses of immigrants (note the word choice again), no matter what cultural and religious background they come from.
  • This crisis got out of hand almost unnoticed, but it is safe to say that more and more refugees will arrive, the crisis will not go away by itself, Europe must act together and find a solution (for like, yesterday!).
Author: admin

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