Happy October, everybody! Fall is here, no denying it anymore. I am two days late with this, I know, but I collected the international/world days in October to look out for, mostly UN observances, but also some funny ones.
First of all, October is of course Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
October 1 was the International Day of Older Persons, while the 2 October, as Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday, was the International Day of Non-Violence and this year also World Habitat Day (first Monday in October).
5 October is World Teachers’ Day.
October 6 is World Smile Day, so don’t forget to smile and do an act of kindness this Friday!
9 October is World Post Day and 10 October World Mental Health Day. 11 October is the International Day of the Girl Child.
13 October is the International Day for Disaster Reduction, 15 October is the International Day of Rural Women.
October 15 also happens to be Global Handwashing Day.
16 October is World Food Day and 17 October is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.
20 October (every five years, beginning in 2010) is World Statistics Day.
This is just for the laughs, obviously, but I could not leave it out. Believe it or not, October 22 is Caps Lock Day! I mean really, hope you won’t forget to celebrate this important key on your keyboard that day! Apparently, using it will do, just make sure not to overannoy your friends by using it too much! 🙂
24 October is United Nations Day, this year we celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the UN Charter’s entry into force.
24 October is also World Development Information Day.
27 October is the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, and 31 October is World Cities Day.
And, who would forget that, October 31 is also Halloween!
Mind you, this is not even an exclusive list! I listed all the UN commemorations, the rest is just handpicked by me from a bunch of various sources. If you know about any other special days in October, you think I should have mentioned in this post, please let me know in the comments.
I hope October will be much better for the world than the way it started!