Sunday Smack

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Bastille day quotes smart

Happy Bastille Day to everybody reading from France!

Just when I announced layoff season last week, things got going again. Which I don’t mind at all since I can’t take off time for a holiday this year anyway. Let’s see what I have found worthy of reading and sharing this week.

On world affairs:

Laura Dean’s Cairo Diary

Please keep following Laura Dean’s Cairo Diary on Lawfare. Yes, I am recommending this for the second time, but it really is that good!

How We Are Failing Syrian People

Yet another piece on how the international community is failing to do what is needed to solve this humanitarian crisis.

Haiti Cholera Claims: Absolute Immunity vs Human Rights

This is an interesting case concerning the international responsibility and immunity of the UN. What kind of responsibilty does the world organization have in damages caused by its peacekeepers?

Leaker Poses Latin America Paradox

Indeed, while all these South American dictators would welcome Snowden as a defender of free speech, how about defending free speech within their own borders?


On the legal side:

Appeals Chamber reverses Radovan Karadzic’s acquittal for genocide in municipalities of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Appeals Chamber in The Hague reversed only Count 1 of the Indictment because it did not find enough evidence prooving Karadzic’s participation in a joint criminal enterprise aiming the permanent removal of Bosnian Muslims and Croats from the municipalities of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

UN Inquiry of Vatican Abuse Scandals Shows Value of Convention on the Rights of the Child

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child might actually force The Holy See to take some action in the sexual abuse cases.


Gesture of the week:

Papal welcome to migrants appeals to consciences, in Europe & elsewhere

Other news from The Vatican help create awareness in an issue that rarely gets this wide publicity. Pope Francis visited Lampedusa this week, where many African refugees try their luck to enter European soil and oftentimes pay with their lives.


Judicial decision of the week:

Jury finds George Zimmerman not guilty

Controversial jury decision causes outrage in the US. 


Season premiere of the week:

OK, so it did not exactly happen yet, but The Newsroom returns tonight!!! Who else is excited?!

Author: admin

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