Tag: mother tongue

In 1999, UNESCO decided to launch an International Mother Language Day (IMLD) to be observed throughout the world each year on 21 February. This celebration is designed to promote linguistic diversity and multilingual education, to highlight greater awareness of the importance of mother tongue education. En 1999, la UNESCO decidió crear el Día Internacional de la Lengua Materna (IMLD, según sus siglas en inglés), que desde entonces cada 21 de febrero se conmemoraría en el mundo entero. El propósito de esta celebración es promover la diversidad lingüística y la educación plurilingüe, con miras a fomentar la sensibilidad acerca de la…

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As promised, here are some interesting facts and quotes about learning foreign languages: “Language is the only thing worth knowing even poorly." /Kató Lomb/ According to experts, at this moment there are more than 5000 languages spoken around the world. The 12 most widely used represent approximately ¾ of the world’s population, and the 30 most principal ones are spoken on more than ¾ of the world.   ”Those who know no foreign language know nothing of their mother tongue.“ /Johann Wolfgang von Goethe/ English is the most widely published language and also the language spoken by the greatest number of non-native…

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Today is International Mother Language Day

From 2000 February UN promotes linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism on International Mother Language Day. While among many related issues UNESCO focuses this year on the efforts towards a multilingual internet, it is also important to draw attention to the importance of multilingual education, teaching children  to understand what might not be provided to them in their mother language. I for one cannot imagine my life without the ability to speak and understand other languages besides my mother tongue. One of those other languages being English, the most widely used language of the world surely has quite a lot…

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