Tag: norway

Suu Kyi to give Nobel speech in Norway, 21 years later

Are you watching the ceremony? Very inspiring to see justice being done after 21 years. 

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Norway mass-shooting trial reopens debate on violent video games

Norway mass-shooting trial reopens debate on violent video games So what do you think? Is it video games? Is it violent movies? Is it education? Is it some psychological disorder? Is it something else? Maybe a little bit of all?

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Norway mass murder suspect claims self-defense

Norway mass murder suspect claims self-defense “Breivik claims the shooting rampage was a matter of self-defense, meant to save Norway from being taken over by multicultural forces and to prevent ethnic cleansing of Norwegians.” “Breivik appears to be overly concerned about his self-image and sees himself in the role of a fantastic, great person who will save Europe.” As much as I want him to be punished properly, if he is really believing all these things and not just playing, the man is clearly sick.

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