World Refugee Day seems to have a more significant meaning each year.
There are more refugees in the world today than ever before since World War II. While for a long time for most of us in Europe refugees were thought to be one of the abstract phenomena that is taken care of by international organizations, this past year this phenomenon came knocking on our doors asking for shelter.
Even those of us who didn’t meet them face to face on the streets on a daily basis could easily understand what it means to see their faces among the news of our homeland instead of foreign news.
Unfortunately world leaders, being driven by short sighted political goals, have failed to come up with a durable solution as of now, while time is ticking and the situtation only gets worse.
This year on World Refugee Day the UN Refugee Agency asks you to sign a petition pressuring world leaders to work together in solving the situtation.
Please join me in standing #WithRefugees and sign the petition clicking here!
If you want to learn more about World Refugee Day, click here!