Hey everybody!
How was you first workweek of 2016? I hope it was better than mine.
This is now officially the longest time with no posts at all on the blog, except for all the Sunday Smacks. Which obviously is a must, missing a week would feel like breaking a circle or something – this is now the 143th Sunday Smack and this is really saying something.
Even though I had lots of plans for 2016 (with the blog and a lot else), I am just not there right now. Actually, if there ever was a time when I would have happily ended it all, this week was it. But then, I did not, so now I’ll have to go on, I guess.
Anyway, in the meantime things happened in the world. Let’s check out this week’s posts and here’s to a better rest of 2016!
How North Korea’s Nuclear Test Puts the Security Council in a Bind
As you can guess, the key player will be China over the sanctions against North Korea.
This post is less about the air strikes, more about the nature of cluster bombs, but it’s really worth reading.
Prohibiting Collective Expulsion of Aliens at the European Court of Human Rights
Some interesting case law that should serve as guidance for the European Union/European countries on legislating migrant issues.
Viktor Orbán, the politician of European stature, fails as a negotiator
This is about David Cameron’s short visit to Budapest this week. Although the title suggest otherwise, the post is mostly about European issues. I don’t like poetic exaggerations, but Britain seems to be on a mission to define the future of Europe.