Tag: Feedly
Happy Sunday, people! I hope you are all having a great weekend! Has anybody else been hampered by Feedly’s down periods this week? I hope it’s all solved by now, because in the end I had to scroll through 250+ posts this weekend. Here’s what I thought was worth sharing with you out of all of it. Jihadi takeover in Mosul and Iraq’s looming breakdown This week’s events in Iraq adumbrates very difficult times to come while there already are plenty of problems to solve in the region. Why the UN General Assembly Just Selected Uganda’s Anti-Gay Foreign Minister as…
I’ve been thinking about doing something like this for a long time and now I am happy to introduce the first in what I plan to be a series. Sunday Smacks are weekly round-ups of my favorite reads, most noteworthy happenings and everything I find worhty to mention here week by week. I haven’t used rss feeders before. I just decided recently to start using Google Reader to be able to catch up with all the blogs I was reading I was struggling to find the time to follow. But that was only days before Google Reader’s termination was announced (as timing…